Chapter 13

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2 Years Later

Dinner is sitting on the counter, waiting for when my boyfriend gets home. I know I'm not allowed to eat any of it. I haven't seen anyone besides him in months. He is far worse than my biological mom and her husband ever were.

I just want to be back with Dad. I'm scared though, he is going to find me if I leave and it's going to be a hell of a lot worse. I get raped and beaten nearly every day. I want to talk to Dad but I'm scared.

I click call on his phone number. "Hey Rachel, I'm glad to be hearing from you." I can't stop the tears that begin streaming down my face. "Dad, I want to come home but I'm scared." "Has he hurt you?" "Yes." "Rachel, I know you are scared but you need to leave before he gets home."

I hear him come in and I drop my phone. He has his friends next to him and he looks furious. "Bitch! I told you I had friends coming over and you weren't supposed to be here when I got home." I hear the slap ring out.

My legs give out from the fear and he repeatedly kicks me while his friends join in. I hear sirens. I cough some and blood comes up. There is pounding on the door. "Police! Open up!" I manage to pull together my voice. "Help!"

The door breaks down and cops come in. All three of the guys are arrested and an officer comes over to me. I shake my head and back away. I pick up my phone and put it up to my ear. "D-Dad. I want you."

"I'm almost there, honey." I hear his car stop and I see him appear in the doorway. He comes over to me and lightly picks me up. "Shh, you're okay."  He takes me to his car and I end up passing out. I wake up in the hospital.

I see Dad beside me. "I'm so sorry. I told you we would protect you." My voice is soft. "You didn't know." He still looks sad. "You get to go home soon. It's your choice when we get there on who you wish to allow near you." I nod.

"Your injuries are pretty much exactly the same as mine were after my mountain biking accident 9 years ago." "Why don't I have to stay in the hospital like you did, then?" "Mama Preciado is a home nurse now. They said it's not the most preferable, but for your comfort they understand your best option is to have her rather than being stuck around people you don't know."

I nod. A doctor comes in and prepares me to leave. When we get back to the house, Dad carries me into my room and I see Jaime's mom. "Hey honey, I'm going to hook everything back up, okay?" I nod.

"Alright, everything is hooked up. I'll be back up every hour to check on you, but if you need anything in the meantime, text me." I nod. She leaves and Dad comes back over to me. "Do you want to let anyone up?" "Anyone. Max of four people not including you at a time. I want you to stay in here though and if you need to leave either Kellin, Erin, or Vic." He nods.

"Also, I don't want anyone besides you touching me unless I specifically say it is okay." He nods. I watch him send out a text. My phone rings. I answer it. "Hello?" "Hey honey, this is Lisa. I know we haven't talked in years but I need to ask a favor."

"Go ahead." "Maurice was arrested again. I don't have the money or time to support Jordan. Will you please adopt her?" I look at Dad and he nods. "Yeah. You'll need to bring her down here, though. Just got out of the hospital earlier but my biological dad and his wife will help me take care of her."

"Okay, she wants to talk to you." I hear her voice. "Rachel?" "Hey Jordan!" "I'm scared of losing my friends." "Don't worry. There are a lot of kids here." "Really?" "There are three kids about one, one kid that is two, one that is three, one that is four, two that are five, one that is six, one that is seven, one that is eight, three that are nine, three that are eleven, two that are thirteen, one that is fourteen, one that is fifteen, one that is eighteen, and one that is twenty."

"Woah, that's a lot of kids." "They are all nice." I switch it to a video call. "What happened to your eye?" "I'll explain to you when you are a little older." She nods. "Mom says she is bringing me down in a few days." I give her a light smile and nod.

"Hey, who knows, I think you would have a lot of fun with a lot of the adults here." She smiles. "Could we play Minecraft or Roblox?" "Not right now. Maybe when we get here and you are caught up on school I can play some Minecraft with you." She smiles and nods.

"Will I be able to learn drums?" "You could learn a bunch of different instruments if you want to." "Yay!" I smile and see Vic pop his head in. "Okay Jordan, I have to go. Have your mom text me. I'll see you in a few days." She waves and hangs up.

"Just so you know, Tony, she is completely wild and honestly, I'll need to do a lot of catch-up work with her for school. Her dad was very heavily a gamer. Like, he would spend 12+ hours a day on video games. She was basically allowed to do anything she wanted."

"I could kind of see that. Do you know why her dad was arrested?" "Nope. He was when he was like 17 or 18 as well. Breaking and entering with a group of friends and one had a weapon. I don't know this time though."

Vic, Erin, Kellin, and Copeland all come in. "Cope, guess what?" "What?" "I'm adopting a 9 year old girl!" Her eyes light up. "Yay!" Kellin and Vic give me a confused look. "My biological mom's sister-in-law had a daughter and I'm adopting her. Her dad went to jail and her mom said she isn't able to take care of her which is bullshit but I'm adopting her."

I watch Vic look at me. "You look pretty broken." I roll my eyes. "Thanks." I rub my eye and wince. "You look tired." "I am." "Go ahead and go to sleep, then." I let my eyes close and I fall asleep.

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