Chapter 4

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I wake up in the morning and I go about cleaning up the areas for the animals and feeding them. I let them roam around in their free pasture areas. I go back inside and begin cleaning in here once again.

It's about 8 am currently and I figure if I clean all day I could have the house finished before 10 pm tonight. I go through each of the bedrooms cleaning them. I clean the living room as well. I see a note on the kitchen counter. "You were really focused. Call me when you are done cleaning."

I smile and go back to cleaning. I clean the closets, game room, exercise room, the study, the laundry room, the pool, the pool shed, the workshop, the stable, and the hot tub. I take each of the horses out on small rides.

Finally, I go inside and take a shower. I change into new clothes and throw my other clothes into the washer. I see the mattress boxes at the door. I move them all inside and put them in their respected rooms. We have 6 bedrooms, 5 of which are staying as bedrooms.

I go about ordering the things we need for the house. Bed frames, paint, new carpeting, flooring, laundry baskets, hangers, bed sets, TVs, and everything else I can think of. I call Tony. "Hi, I'm done now. Gonna head into town to go food shopping." "Alright, we'll come around at 5 for dinner." "Sounds good."

I head out and get food, thrilled that there is an electric oven and stove as well as a gas oven and stove. I won't use the gas one because of some of my irrational fears. I make dinner. Buttermilk Biscuits, King Ranch Chicken Casserole (a tofu one as well), Creamed Corn, and Peach Cobbler for dessert.

I take it out of the oven and hear the doorbell ring. "You can come in!" I hear the door open. "Wow, it smells amazing." I place it out on the table. They come in to the room. "You did an amazing job of cleaning this place up." I smile. "Buttermilk Biscuits, a chicken casserole, a tofu casserole, creamed corn, and Peach Cobbler is in the oven for dessert."

"Do you cook a lot?" I shake my head. "I refuse to use gas appliances so I haven't used the stove or oven in years. I do, however, have a food handlers card so you probably don't have to worry about it being dangerous."

I make sure the stove is off and then sit down with them. They all serve themselves and I serve myself some, although probably nowhere near as much as they would hope I would eat. I see Kellin take a bite. "Holy shit, this is amazing."

I see Tony take a picture of the table. I watch him go on Instagram and put that picture on. He makes a caption. "Who knew my daughter would be such a good cook?" I watch him post it followed by an immediate flood of confused comments. I giggle.

"Y'know, I have other recipes that I know and love. Chicken Enchiladas, Fusilli, Homemade Cinnamon Rolls, and I love making Eggs Benedict; although, I don't like eggs myself." "What's Fusilli?" "Oh, it's a type of pasta. If I can find the noodles, I'll make it in a few nights. Finding it might prove to be a challenge though."

I begin cleaning up the table, putting the leftovers into Tupperware. "I'll be back in a few minutes. I need to feed the animals." I come back inside to see Kellin about to put the Peach Cobbler directly on the counter. "Kellin, wait."

I put two trivets under it and he puts it down. "Quinn, I will end you if you burn my counters." He puts his hands up in surrender. "Could we sleep over tonight and have cinnamon rolls tomorrow morning?" I roll my eyes. "Sure. Someone needs to go into town to get bedsheets, blankets, and pillows though."

"I'll go. What sizes?" "One Twin, two Full, one Queen, and one California King." Vic nods and after we eat dessert, he goes off. "Who do I trust more in the kitchen?" I write down the beginning instructions. "Go ahead and begin. I have to go find some firewood."

I swing the axe over my shoulder. I find a wood shed out back with nearly 200 huge chunks of wood. I chop about 5 of them up and bring 10 of the 20 pieces inside. I sit at the wood stove with some cedar wood blocks and a hatchet.

I break some of it up. "I don't know whether I should be afraid." I jump. "Kellin. Don't scare the person with the hatchet in their hand or you're gonna either end up paying their hospital bills or your own."

I hear Tony from the other room. "Kellin, please be smart." I feel him watch me as I cut up more of the cedar. I put some dryer lint in as well as some of the kindling. I use my fire starter and the fire catches. My finger hits it. "Ow! Fucking fire." I put more kindling in it.

I watch the kindling catch and I put a log in it before closing the door. I go to the kitchen sink and run my finger under cold water. "Are you okay?" "I hate fire." He looks at my finger. I hop on the counter and continue running it under water.

"Do you have burn gel?" I nod. "Hallway to the right, last door on the left. Left bottom cabinet in the bathroom has a first aid kit." He nods and leaves. He returns with it. He opens it and puts some of the gel on my finger before wrapping it up. "I'll work with the fire, you can cook." I nod and get a glove to keep the bandage clean and dry.

I finish preparing the dough and put it in a bowl. I put the bowl near the wood stove. I observe the wood. "Who wants a tour?" Vic walks in the house with a lot of things. "Tony, could you put another piece of wood in?" He does so and closes the door.

I lead them down the hallway to my room. "This is my room." I lead them between the rooms. "One of you guys can sleep in my brother's room tonight." They nod. Once the cinnamon rolls are done rising, I finish preparing them and I put them in the fridge.

"Movie or TV show night! What movies or TV series do you have?" "Do you really want to know?" I pull out Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Twilight. "I also have The Sound Of Music, American Satan, and Paradise City."

I watch them put on The Sound of Music. I sing through the beginning scene. "Woah, I want to try this. Rachel, I want you to grab your guitar and amp." I do so. "Choose a song by Kellin that you will both sing." "2 Chord."

I hesr Vic begin playing. Kellin and I begin singing together. We finish and they both look at us shocked. "You guys sound so similar." I smile. "I'm not in the mood to watch a musical anymore. Paradise City?"

They all agree and put it on. I pull my knees up to my chest for some comfort which causes pain to shoot through my left knee. I immediately release it. "Hey, what's wrong?" "I'll be back in a few minutes." I go into my room and find the immobilizing knee brace and crutches. I put on the knee brace and go out to them.

"What happened to your knee?" "I messed it up earlier while cleaning. It's not the first time, I'll be fine." "What type of messing it up?" "I dislocated my kneecap. I don't think it is fully back in place, but it hurts too badly to try and move it."

"Will you agree to go to the doctor's tomorrow?" "I would prefer to go now." He nods. "Don't burn my house down when I'm gone." Tony and I get in the car and head off towards town.

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