Chapter 7: Lance

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After Keith dropped me off at work, I ran to Clavis as I saw him walking towards the grand building. Once he saw me, he smiled and beckoned for me to walk with him. "hey Lance." He said. I grinned back, before hearing a car pulling out of the car park, turning to check whether it was Keith, I saw his beautiful face and hands around the steering wheel, turning around and heading away. I couldn't help myself from waving, even though I had kissed him goodbye. A wink accompanied the wave, it was only a shame that I couldn't see his expression through the windscreen. "a new friend?" Clavis chuckled. I shook my head. "thats Keith." I told him. His face fell.

"Wait as in Keith, the one you told me you wanted to come back to you?" I nodded. "im so sorry. How are you finding things?" he continued to ask. I had told Clavis previously about Keith. He was one of the very few people that I confided in on a personal level. He had dealt with exactly everything that had been going on during that period of time of not having my friend. He knew that I had wanted him desperately but didn't understand why. Clavis was only just out of university at that point but that made him so much better to talk to since he was closer to my age than other teachers. Other than Sousuke Yamazaki, but no one talked to him since he was so quiet and wouldn't make himself open for anyone. Clavis would talk to him of course though, he was him and wouldn't turn away from anyone. He was far too nice for that. "it isn't too bad I suppose." I sighed.

"hey, how come you weren't in work yesterday?" he wondered. I had completely forgotten about it. "damn, sorry Clavis, I had something really important to deal with." He nodded, still confused. "Keith?"

"Yeah, we got in a fight and I told him something that I shouldn't have, he ran out on me and didn't come back. I only found him by chance. He wasn't planning on coming back." I started choking up at the thought of Keith leaving and never coming back to me, almost like what I thought he had done yesterday. "oh Lance. I didn't know. It sounds like you have your handful however. I just hope things get better. Is this the first fight you have had, since he returned to you?" I shook my head again. Clavis bit his lip nervously. "i know what it's like." He said finally. "my boyfriend and I only just got together and before that, we argued so many times to the point it reduced us to tears. We haven't known each other long so it is bound to happen. But I mean, I haven't known Bellamy as long as you have known Keith so I can't say it is the exact same."

"I don't like Keith, like that. We are just mates." I told him. Clavis raised a brow inquisitively.

"Are you sure?"

"no." I confessed. He nodded in understanding.

"well, we are getting somewhere. How do you feel?" he pressed kindly. We made our way into the school then and decided to continue this conversation while Clavis was setting up his classroom. We were there an hour before class starts anyway, so I had plenty of time to set up after we finished together. "i don't know. I kiss him."

"you do?" Clavis spat, surprise covering his face. I hummed in a positive response. "do you like it?" I hummed again. I sat in a chair near his desk and rest my chin in my hands. "how does he feel?"

"Sweet." I responded.

"That's not what I meant, I meant how does he feel about you?" Clavis said while face palming.

"Oh sorry. Well I don't know, he kisses me back?" I confirmed, yet slightly unsure. The man with silver hair thought for a second, pondering on what I had told him. "okay, you kiss each other but you fight a lot?" I nodded.

"What was yesterday's fight may I ask?"

"well do you remember when I broke my thermostat?" he nodded. "well Keith has been freezing every time he has tried to sleep in the house. My room is the only one that gets heating. So we decided that the best option was to share a room and so we did. Sunday night was when we decided on it, to be specific. I was also really upset that evening because I was confused over the fact that I might like him and I couldn't figure it out. I ended up telling him that thinking he would get mad at me. He didn't. He ended up kissing me and then we fell asleep next to each other. Yesterday, I woke up and forgot that it had all happened. He was heartbroken and I was really insensitive. I said some things that really hurt him and he left." Clavis didn't judge once I had finished my recount. He sat there silent for a bit before responding. "by the sounds of it, he likes you." He explained.

"but Clavis, I think I have liked him for twelve years. You hear that? Twelve freaking years!" he nodded. I sighed in exasperation. "I don't know what to do." I placed my face in my hands, no longer looking at the man before me. Clavis bent down and placed a hand atop my head gently. "Next time you kiss him, pour your heart and soul into it, tell him how you truly feel through that one action." I smiled as he pulled his hand away. I decided to call it a day there, not really feeling like telling him anything else at that moment. I left for class, knowing that I would be able to see Keith again later.

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