Chapter 2 and 2/3: Keith

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I kept waiting for the white Nissan to veer around the corner and pull up in front of me, but it didn't. Where did he go? I continued to wait and wait for him. Luckily Japan tends to get warm quite quickly so at least I wasn't cold anymore. Pedestrians had begun to look at me funny as if I was some homeless person expecting food. I mean in some aspects, they wouldn't be wrong but I didn't want their food or sympathy. I continued to wait. It had been some time now since I had first arrived back at the house. Where was Lance? What if something had happened to him? I knew that he was able to look after himself out in space but what if he had crashed or been robbed? What if he'd died? Now this wasn't just me thinking selfishly about not being able to get inside the house. I was genuinely worried. I don't know what I would do if I had found out he had died and I could have stopped it. The more my brain delved into unknown places, the more tears that fell down my face. I hadn't noticed and nor did I really care. I felt my nose to check if it was still bleeding but it was not thankfully. Tears continued to pour down my face as I couldn't stop myself from panicking. That was when I saw the Nissan crawling around the street. God I had never felt so happy and relieved in my life. Once Lance had pulled up and gotten out of the car, I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, making him stumble backwards into his car. He chuckled slightly before hugging back. "i was not expecting that." He smiled. I felt something within my chest again. I pulled away from him to let him get out of the car yet again. " wait, were you crying?" Lance asked turning serious. He raised a hand to wipe the tears away from my cheeks and I didn't mind him so I didn't move him. "i got worried." I stated plainly.

"Oh Keith." He smiled again and wrapped me up in another hug. He rest his head in my shoulder and pulled away quickly afterwards. "I can look after myself, you don't need to worry about me." I sniffed at his words and rubbed my eyes again to stop them from tearing up. Damn why did this have to happen? "who said I was worried about you?" I teased slightly. He rolled his eyes at me. "of course, why would the great Keith Kogane be worried about someone else?" he raised his arms dramatically. I felt so in need of wanting to hug him and never let him go. Looks like I haven't grown up after all. "you have no idea." I sighed but he still caught on to what I had said.

"Wait did you just confess to me?" Lance asked, all serious like.

"what?! No, no of course not, I'm not gay you should know that by now."

"really because when we were back on the ship I thought maybe, and then now you would possibly. You know what never mind, it's okay. I'm sorry." He raised his palms in defeat and looked at me apologetically. Did he perhaps know about me and I just didn't realise? I blew it off and brushed my fingers through my hair. I went to go and tie up my mullet too when I remembered, I cut it off. "what did you do to your nose?" Lance continued. "i uh, kicked a stone and it hit me in the face. I would have done something about it myself had you not locked me out." I responded, yet added a slightly annoyed tone to my voice. He flushed a little and his face fell before he regained himself and steered me inside. "well, I'm here now and I refuse to let you tend to that yourself. This is my job." He chuckled. I felt myself blush slightly but brushed it off. Sadly, it did not go unnoticed as I watched Lance's face turn red too. He pulled his arm away from me and unlocked the door for me. "home sweet home." He sung.

"You mean, your home." I reminded. He scowled at me and folded his arms teasingly. "wow, okay I thought we were on the same page and that this home is both of ours but it's okay, I can make a change and take it myself." He glanced at me through his eyelashes making me feel even smaller. Imagine sharing a house with Lance McClain. It was quite literally my younger fantasies becoming a reality. But I didn't care for that because I didn't care for the man. I refused to believe that I even had time for something like that in my life. It would just take up too much unnecessary time. Lance was not worth that in my books, then again, nobody is. Shiro and Lance used to be worth it, but Lance had Allura which ruined my life entirely and Shiro had Curtis. There was no room for me in either of their lives so why should I make room for them? However, Lance had made room for me now and sadly I wanted that space still, perhaps a little too much. Though I still couldn't admit it to myself. "maybe it is our home." I chimed. He beamed at me and we continued to walk in so that he could patch up my nose. He set me down in one of the kitchen chairs as he went to go and search for his first aid kit. He had only been gone for around five minutes and I already kind of missed him. What was I saying? I was growing weak again. I couldn't live life like this yet again. I couldn't hurt myself for the millionth time over. When Lance came back, I had forced a scowl back on my face. He sat deadly close to me so that his face was barely inches away from mine. I could feel his steady breathing on my forehead. "does it hurt?" he asked. "No." I grunted and turned my head away from him. My hands now in my lap, clutching at my knees. "keith, you don't need to act so strong all the time. Come here." He held my chin lightly and brought it close to his face. I thought he was going to kiss me and to be completely honest, I wouldn't have stopped him. I was waiting for it to happen, when he dropped my face and pulled out an antiseptic wipe. I huffed gently and he heard making him look at me even deeper. "what's up, did I do something wrong?" he asked. His eyebrows knitted together in concern. 'yes' I thought, 'you did do something wrong', but I just shook my head and let him continue. He begun to gently wipe away the crusted blood that had formed on my nose and dabbed around the outside just in case. " How did you get it so deep?" he wondered aloud.

"i guess I was really upset." I joked, though I was only half joking about it. I waited for his reaction which would inevitably happen. "im sorry, I shouldn't have reacted the way I had this morning. Had I not screamed, you wouldn't have gotten mad and none of this would have happened." He pulled away from my face, having cleaned the wound enough. "shut up will you." I countered. "it was my fault entirely for getting so mad at you. The truth is, I really wouldn't have minded sleeping next to you. I just, it brings me back to some old stuff from on the ship." I confessed. I had his full attention now and slightly regretted telling him as much as I did. "i didn't know." Lance blushed. I later joined him as his face got closer to me and his lips drew ever closer. "lance-" I sighed. His eyes were determined. "keith." He muttered back. I had never felt so excited in my life. 'this is it' I thought. 'this is the moment I get to kiss Lance McClain'. I should have known. As if realising what he was about to do, he pulled away abruptly and shyed away. "lets just fix your nose." He stated bluntly and went to find a plaster. My life felt like it had just torn in half. The one thing I had always wanted, so close, yet so far. This was the moment that confirmed everything for me. I never did stop loving Lance McClain.

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