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Just as a warning to explain how things are going to run down. I make a lot of references to different animes and stuff in this. One being free iwatobi swim club and the other Yuri on ice. The Yuri on ice references are a little more difficult to get your head around so allow me to explain briefly, for anyone who could actually care less.

We meet a couple characters later on, Bellamy Aihara and Clavis Irvine. Clavis plays the role of Victor, and Bellamy, Yuri.
The way it works is that Victor's parents were never accepting of his and Yuri's relationship so they were forced away from each other since Victor couldn't lose his family. In a desperate attempt to get over the other, they got themselves with women. Yuri having a baby boy with a woman and Victor also bearing himself a daughter. Once Victor's parents pass away, that gives him the freedom to get back with Yuri, whom he had never gotten over. They get back together, ditching their girlfriends and off spring. (I know, great parents). They continue to live happily together until the day they die though. Sadly, they were probably early to late forties by the time, they got back together again.
Yuri's girlfriend gets married to an Aihara and so therefore, his son becomes an Aihara. This man later becomes Bellamy's grandfather. The son grows and marries a woman who bears him a daughter and this becomes Bellamy's mum. Bellamy's mum did get married at one point too, changing Bellamy's last name but they divorced because she didn't like his dad as much as she used to, so Bellamy took the Aihara last name yet again, after his father died soon after the divorce.
Victor's daughter goes ahead and ends up marrying an Irvine when she grows up and ends up having a son who becomes Clavis' dad.

At the end of the messed up family tree, Bellamy and Clavis end up dating and living the life that Victor and Yuri should have lived together. They are unaware that their great grandparents were linked however.

If you bothered to read any of that and are wondering why I put so much thought into just two side characters, this is because I am in the middle of writing a separate story based around these two characters.

Okay, sorry about that and I apologise to anyone who actually read that. I may have just wasted a hell of a lot of your time.

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