Chapter 21

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Seraphina wore a light pink hoodie that hung off her shoulder and light blue shorts. She walked alongside John outside the Boaba shop and they both held drinks in one hand each. He wore a dark blue hoodie that wasn't quite navy and beige cargo shorts that reached his knees and white socks that reached mid-way up his calves.

"Feels like we haven't hung out in forever," she said. I haven't even been avoiding you – you're just so caught up in being Joker that you can't find the time for me. "What are you doing during your free blocks? I can't even find you anymore."

"Ohh, I've been skipping class a bit more than I should recently and uh..." He brought his hand up to his face, finger pointing towards him. "My grades have taken a dive because of it. So the teachers have been making me do extra work during my free time."

A bruise stained her cheek. "You know if you need help on school, you can always ask me, right?"

"Buuut you always give me shit for being too slow..."

"Hm, really? I don't remember," she replied. "I won't do it again."

"Besides, I'd rather just spend time like this!" he said, looking up to the sky. "Away from the other students and away from all the school's nonsense. It's way more relaxing, and I don't have to worry about a thing!"

She looked away from him and looked down to her drink. "Can't argue with that one."

"Oh, by the way, what happened to your face?" He pointed to her.

"Oh, this? I schooled a mid-tier today."

"Huh? Another fight?" His face washed with concern. "Sera, shouldn't you be more careful after what happened? What if-?"

"'I don't care'." She turned away from him. "That's what you say all the time. So you can get into whatever trouble you want, but I can't? Why would it ben any different for me?"

She continued to walk together, but John stood still.

"I don't want to see you hurt again!" he shouted. She turned around. "I know I've done a ton of dumb shit in the past but it's different infirmary that day, I didn't even know how to react!" He brought his unclasped hand up to this eyeline. "All I could think about was how weak I am: how could I be so worthless? And let something like that happen to you?"

You're not weak.


"If only this stupid hierarchy didn't exist. If only we didn't have to worry about what other people's are then neither of us would have to deal with all this bullshit!"

She rushed back to him and grabbed the top of his lower arm.

"Hey. Please, John, don't think that way! None of this is your fault. This is just how things are. We can't expect to be able to control everything. I get it. You want me to be safe. But people will continue look down on me and they'll treat me like crap regardless of what I do, so what's the use in hiding? The least I can do is stand up for herself. I've already decided. I won't let what those students did scare me. I'll keep fighting back. Just like you!" She smiled up at him. "You don't have to do it alone anymore!"

I would be there to support you like you were there for me.

"Yeah." He looked down, hair covering most of his eyes.

"Uh, I haven't told you!" She turned back around, hair swishing with his movements. "I met some new people recently!"

"Oh?" He didn't smile.

"Yeah, a couple of low-tiers. They were impressed with my fighting so I was thinking maybe you could train them a few tricks too."

He pointed to himself. "Uh- what? Why me?"

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