Episode 3: Second Chances

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Episode Three: Second Chances

Two Days Later…

Kat Karamakov's eyes stared at her alarm clock as the minute changed. And then it began to go off. Raising her hand to hit the snooze, the blonde turned over. She glanced at her sleeping roommate, before she got up. Then she got dressed and headed downstairs; her gym bag slung over her right shoulder and a thermos in her right hand.

As she passed the couch in the commons, Kat smiled softly after glancing at the two occupants asleep on it. Since Christian had come back to the academy, Tara had been sleeping down here with him on the couch. But that was coming to an end, seeing as Christian was going to talk to Zach today. But it was nice seeing her best friend happy again. With one last smile in at her best friends, Kat continued her way to the academy gym…

There, she got on the bike and started to pedal smiling with a blank happy look on her face. Then after fifteen minutes of that, she began to jump rope; pushing herself harder. Soon her stomach started to growl, but she kept going, if not harder. Her arms and legs were getting sore, but she still didn't stop. It only when she began to see little black spots in her vision, she stopped pushing herself so much; but she still did not stop…

Whenever Christian and Tara slept beside each other, he was always the one to wake up first. When he did, he would always watch her sleep, listening to the sound of her rhythmic breathing. Then he hands would always subconcusisly move to the bruise that rested on her lower back. His fingertips would graze around the black and blue swollen up skin. From the edges, to the middle and back down the sides as his mind wondered how the hell she could have gotten it.

But this morning, the skater's thoughts were interrupted by two very lean boys jumping on him and his girlfriend. Luckily, Christian heard their footsteps clambering down the steps. The skater was quick to flip their positions, so now he was on top with his girlfriend under him.

That's when Tara started to stir from under him. As Christian sat up; the eighteen year girl groaned, reaching her arms up.

"So are you back or are you back?" Ollie asked while Tara coiled her arms around his neck. Then after she had pulled herself up, the farm girl nuzzled her head into his neck.

Ben's grin seemed to falter for a moment as he watched his two friends interact with each other. It made him sick; his stomach started to form knots. Tara should be with him, not a guy who disappear for three months then suddenly decides to show back up. He had to find some way to make Tara see that…

"Yeah, I figured this was a good place to spend my school year." The skater told his friends after placing a kiss on his girlfriend's head. "I'm going to talk to Zach and Ms. Rhaine today and if all goes well, and then I'll need to find a room to live in."

"There's a bed in my room," Ollie offered, "It's yours, if you want it."

Nodding; Christian said, "Thanks mate, but just so you know Tara may be in there a lot if I am going to be your roommate."

"I wouldn't expect anything less; I mean you two are going out, judging by the way you two are acting with each other."

An Hour and a Half Later…

An hour and a half later; Grace and Ben stood leaning against the barre watching while Ms. Rhaine yelled at Tara and some of the other third years. But she was soon interrupted by a man sticking his head into the room.

"Is that Madame Boutrova back from the grave?" He asked grinning. Ms. Rhaine turned around, a small smile lighting her face.

"Madame Boutrova would've never put up with this amount of sloppiness from us when we were students," The raven haired woman said a bit nervously.

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