Chapter 3

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"Are we there yet?" Greg questioned.

"This is the tenth time you've asked." Yuto deadpanned.


"Look around," Yuto started, giving Greg the opportunity to take in his surroundings. "does it look like we're there?"

Greg turned his head from Yuto's warm chest, only met with blue smear. After holding onto his glasses and letting his eyes focus, he then realised the answer to his own question.

They were still flying over the ocean. "No..."

"Good. Now, could you please shut the fuck up so I can focus on flying?" Yuto insisted, slightly snapping.

"Okay..." Greg replied, before he became puzzled from Yuto's tone. "Wait, I'm supposed to be the grumpy one. You're the gullible, innocent one."

"Who said that?"

Greg made eye contact with the readers, trailing his response. "Oh, no one..."

"Why are you looking away from me? Who are you talking to?" Yuto then gasped. "Can you talk to ghosts?!"

Greg continued to gaze at the readers, his face now deadpanned.



"Dumbass." Greg snickered to himself.

Many hours passed, and they were still crossing over the salty blue ocean. Greg's limbs were getting looser around Yuto's body with every passing minute.

"How much longer do you think it'll take?" Greg questioned, contemplating how long he can hold on for.

"Hmm..." Yuto contemplated for a bit. "Most likely in an hour or so."

"Are you serious?"

"Why? Need to pee?"

Greg pondered if he should tell the other male of his loosening grip on him but decided against it, as to not be a nuisance. Besides, there was an hour left till this hell of a flight would end. He could make it.

"I was just wondering, don't worry about it."

Yuto knew something was up, but he couldn't put his finger on it and pushed it aside. It was when ten minutes passed when Yuto realised what was wrong, but of course, he was too late. Greg's grip had loosened – his limbs filled with immense pins and needles – as he started to free fall towards the ocean. Yuto's eyes shot open and flinched from the sudden act. He dipped down, plummeting towards Greg. Yuto bent his wings in a way where more wind would pass by his body and create an advantage – which indeed worked – making himself faster and easier to catch up to Greg. He wasn't fast enough, however. Greg's back had slammed itself against the vast ocean. Yuto drilled himself into the water, and immediately saw a blur of green start to dissolve into the dark depths of the ocean. He reached out, pushing his legs to the limit against the tough waters, grabbed Greg's torso and pulled him out. Once they returned to the surface, Yuto desperately sucked in air, now levitating in thin air once again. He was clutching Greg onto dear life as if he would fall through of the tips of his fingers again and disappear forever.

Greg was okay!

Greg was okay...


'Why isn't he breathing?'

Yuto panicked. His anxiety started to list everything horrible about the situation: There is no sign of land anywhere, Greg isn't breathing, all of their supplies are soaked, Yuto didn't care enough about his wellbeing, Greg isn't breathing.

'Stop that! Do you want to get possessed, dickhead?' Yuto's thoughts scolded himself, feeling himself spiral into a panic attack.

Yuto flew back up, cradling Greg in his arms. He placed Greg's chest against his and gently laid his chin onto Yuto's shoulder, giving him easier access to his back. Yuto rose his right palm and slammed it repeatedly onto Greg's upper back and – to his surprise – Greg started to cough, salty water spewing out from his lungs. After his painful coughing spree, Greg squinted at Yuto.

"You look so weird without your glasses." Yuto snickered, trying to make the situation less tense.

"Well, if you had a better grip on me, then I wouldn't have lost them in the first place. Oh, and y'know, falling into the fucking ocean, it ruining both my clothes and supplies, and almost drowning and-" Greg grew passionate at the end, gripping Yuto's sweater and shaking him.

Yuto cut the male off. "Just shut up! If you had told me you were losing grip, we could have just changed positions!"

"This isn't sex, Yuto. We can't just 'change positions' whilst being, what? 500 meters in the air going 100km!? Note: WHILST FUCKING FLYING!! I've never flown before; I don't know how this shit works!"

"...Did you just compare flying to sex?"

"I don't know about you, but when you live around sluts who make sex jokes 24/7 for 5 or so years, you have a tendency to." Greg deadpanned for what felt like the hundredth time today.

"Fair enough. Oh look, how convenient. We're here." Yuto glared back, then turning his head away.

"Really?!" Relief flew through Greg's veins.

"Nope. You should have seen your face!" Yuto blew up in laughter.

"I will let go." He threatened back.

"Okay, I'll stop." Yuto rolled his eyes.

"DON'T YOU ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME, MISTER!" Greg pointed his index finger towards the other, as if he was a parent scolding his disobedient child.

"Just because I didn't have parents, doesn't mean you have to fill the role for them."

An awkward silence grew heavy after that statement.

"...Too much?" Yuto asked, smiling bashfully to cover up his sudden joke.

After an hour of silence, Greg had noticed something in the distance.

"Wait, is that land?" Greg squinted questionably, looking over towards the light green smear in the distance.

"Holy shit, it is! We're here! Yay!" Yuto cheered as he spun around on the spot, dragging Greg along with him.

Greg was gripping on Yuto's forearms for dear life, trying to wrap his legs around the other's waist.

"JESUS CHRIST YUTO! STOP!" Greg squealed from fear.

"Oh, right. Sorry." Yuto apologised, as Greg wore a frown.

A couple of minutes later, they had found themselves approaching the green lands. Yuto lifted his feet in front of him, softly landing on the tufts of grass, settling Greg down in the process.

"Oh my god, land! I thought I'd never see you again!" Greg dramatically dropped to his knees, placing his palms onto the grass and kissed the ground repeatedly.

Yuto chuckled to himself, grabbed Greg's collar and picked him back up to his feet, informing him that they had to go check into a motel. Yuto started walking, but Greg didn't.

"What's the hold up?" Yuto questioned the other.

"I can't fucking see." Greg squinted back.


"It's fine, give me a second." Greg replied, pulling out his spare glasses from his pocket.

"You had spare glasses the entire time?!"

"I didn't see the point in acknowledging I even had them." Greg replied, placing the rounded glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"All good now?" Yuto questioned, slightly sceptical towards the glasses.

"Yep, where do we go?"

"I don't know. I guess we just start wondering around until we find somewhere to stay."

"Alright, nothing else we can do anyway."

The pair finished their crappy planning and set foot for some place to stay for majority of their trip.

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