Family Care

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Third person POV

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Third person POV

It's been at least 4 weeks after Harry's and dracos break up, and draco hasn't taken any of it well.

The Slytherins have been helping draco through it, even though some of them still didn't like Harry when they were dating but slytherins stick together so they were there for him.

Mostly pansy, blaise theo and his cousin luna have Been taking care of him, as draco won't take care of himself.

Today it was midnoon and poring down with rain, no surprise as its normal Scottish weather. Draco was sitting in the common room watching the rain hit the lake. It a hoodie and jogging bottoms that he as been wear for merlin knows how long.

Luna was with him as everyone eles was busy but luna would always make time in her day to comfort her cousin.

"hey dragon I brought you some pumpkin soup and hot fruit tea for your cold" luna churped. Draco slightly smiled at her, he loved it when luna came over she was more of a sister to draco than a cousin same with luna. Draco was like her brother towards her.

"thanks luna..." he sniffed. Draco hated being sick and people taking care of him. But if luna told him that she if taking care of him, he listens, she if a scary person when shes mad her inner malfoy comes out.

"dragon the nargles took my shoes again" luna said mixing some medicine in the fruit tea.

Draco giggled slightly.

Luna gave draco the drink and told him to drink it, draco didn't want to and made a disgust face.

"dragon drink" luna said softly, while folding clothes.

"luna I really don't wanna"

"I said drink it" luna said a little aggressive.

That was the sign to do as he was told he chugged it down. Luna smiled smuggly.

Once draco finshed, he felt the warm liquid go down his chest it felt like how used to hold him.

Thinking of Harry cuddling into draco chest made tear make there way through to his eyes.

Next thing he knew he was crying. Luna heard sniffling and soft sobs.

"dragon...." luna sighed softly and walked up to him.

" starting to see all the signs...." Draco said with a shaky breathe. Luna tilted her head in confusion.

"what do you mean 'signs' "

"that the world is say I don't deserve anything good....." Draco sobbed.

"that's not true draco!" luna said pulling his head towards her.

"it is... First my mother dies, then my father hit me and do anything in there power to hurt me mentally and physically.... Then he left me at 13, then Harry's is gone....." Draco was crying hard enough to flood the common room.

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