Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

The island of Ogygia was just as the legends said.

Incredibly beautiful. Rich with green foliage, brightly colored flowers, the rich scent of sweet cypresses combined with sea water and soil. Birds of all species, some even extinct in the rest of the world flew over head, and I caught glimpse of an airplane trail in the clear blue sky that indicated the island would soon be moved to another part of the world to avoid being spotted once again.

I appeared on the hot sandy beach, instantly loathing my stupidity to conjure a black leather jacket. I touched it and the jacket vanished, and my shirt was replaced with a black spandex turtleneck with no sleeves, and an armored vest. I lowered my hand and started across the beach, kicking up white sand and heading toward the rocky mountains that sat at the center of the island, coated in thick vines and fluttering purple flowers.

I summoned a holster with a short sword and a dagger in my palm, starting my trek through the forest that looked like it'd seen better days. Judging from the wreckage, a hurricane had passed through not too long ago and had uprooted several trees and buried holes in the earth to create new ponds with the sea water that had been carried over.

If the Moirai, the Fates, were on this island, they were bound to be somewhere nearby, probably the mountain. Calypso generally made her home at the base of the mountains, which would mean the Moirai were probably at the top somewhere.

I paused to tilt my head up, staring at the mountain past the blindingly bright sun. I couldn't see any signs of life, but reaching out with my powers, I sensed people on the island. I started forward again and approached the mountain, only to slow down when I heard voices. It sounded like arguing at first, and it sounded like it belonged to a couple of women.

"I told you to stay away from my home! This island is mine!" A woman shrieked, her voice echoing through the trees and scaring a flock of birds into flight. I recognized the woman's voice instantly as Calypso's. I'd met her twice in my lifetime and both experiences had been extremely unfortunate.

"And I told you that I have nowhere else to go! Take pity on me, precious cousin! Let me pop a squat for at least a dozen years and then I'll be on my merry way." Another woman's voice drawled. I frowned, unable to recognize it, but there was something about her cadence that put me at unease. It was... seductive, throaty. It made my blood burn.

Wanting to see exactly who I was dealing with, I turned from my spot behind the tree to peer around and spot the women standing near the large extravagant entrance to a mansion that was built into the side of the mountain.

Looks like Calypso has upgraded since 2000 B.C.E.

Calypso, in all her glory, stood two heads taller than the stranger. She was about six foot four with long curly dark hair that resembled Atlas's greatly, and it fell down her back to her waist with silver glitter sprayed all over it to match her sequined halter top and short cut off jean shorts, bare feet stomping in the sand.

The stranger was shorter, but didn't have Calypso's cute little island girl look at all. She looked more like a seductive succubus wearing a red and gold designed bikini top and a matching bikini bottom with a long transparent black skirt hanging around her waist shorter on the left than the right that dipped down to her ankles that were decorated with gold bands to match the ones on her wrists and throat. Her skin was considerably darker than Calypso's, meaning she was used to the island life. And her silky black hair was done in tight curls in an ancient Grecian bun on her head, and she wore enough make-up to supply Macy's.

I recognized her the moment I realized she was giving me an erection.


As if Calypso wasn't bad enough, Circe made things ten times worse. It was like two of the oldest goddesses from the myths.

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