Chapter 8: Babysitter for a Fan

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Breathe, Penny. Breathe!

I had read somewhere that in order to make sure that no one finds out what you did wrong, one needs to act normal and just pretend like they don't know anything about what has happened.

Well, that was common sense but it is a fact that common sense isn't actually common...

I took a deep breath before opening my locker. I looked at the books in my locker and just stared blankly at them, not knowing what to do.

I wonder if knocking someone unconscious is legal...

"What have you done?" I heard a deep voice asking from just behind me, making me jump. I turned around with my eyes wide and saw Damien standing behind me with his arms folded. He was looking at me as if he caught me doing something I wasn't supposed to.

In my defence, I just punched him in the face. Just once! I didn't know that he was going to faint...

"Hey! Damien, what are you doing here?" I asked with a nervous chuckle as I avoided looking at Damien in the eyes.

My sister once told me that when I lie or hide something, there's something in my eyes that can make anyone find out what I was hiding or lying about it. She has always caught me whenever I tried to hide something from her or whenever I tried to lie to her about something.

"Why are you so nervous and panicky?" Damien asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm not!" I shot back and looked directly in his eyes. He stared at me for a while as if he was analysing me. I could almost see it in his eyes as to how much he wanted to question me about it all.

He sighed a minute later and closed his eyes for a few seconds before looking back at me.

"I don't care about what you might have done with anyone else but what have you done to my sister, Aria?" Damien asked. I frowned at him in question.

"What do you mean by that? I didn't do anything!" I replied. Damien narrowed his eyes at me.

"Then why is she after me, asking me to invite you over today too? Why has she been talking about you non-stop when you've just met her once?" Damien asked me.

I opened my mouth and closed it when no words came out. It felt good to know that the sweet little girl was talking about me.

"That's what has been troubling you?" I asked him with a small smirk. Damien sighed.

"She's been eating my ear off! All she talks about is how nice you are. It's like she's under a spell!" He told me. "What have you done to her?" He asked me. I giggled at the tired and irritated look on Damien's face.

"I think she's just a good judge of character. She realised what an angel I really am." I shrugged with a smirk. A small smile came up on Damien's face but he tried to hide it as he looked away.

"Yeah! As if!" He said. I chuckled at that. "Can you please come over today? I don't want to hear her go on about you again!" He requested. I smirked at him.

"Why? Do I bore you?" I asked him in mock-hurt.

"I just want to figure you out for myself. I don't want others' opinions. I can judge for myself if you are trustworthy or not." Damien told me.

"I already told you, you aren't supposed to invite people over to your house when you don't trust them." I shrugged.

"I didn't invite you last time. My friends did." Damien argued.

"But you are inviting me over now." I pointed out. Damien pursed his lips as he tried to come up with something to say. I could see the wheels turning in his head as he looked at me.

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