07| tranquility?

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339 days until he's gone.

Days went by fast.
They felt like filler days.

It has been twenty-two days we won the war.
Our country has expanded, Niki and Jack have joined us.
Niki is the greatest to have around, she is very sweet and got along with everyone— not to mention her beauty, a sight for sore eyes to say the very least.
Jack on the other hand, he's extremely exceptional a lot of the time— but he gets along very well with Tommy and Tubbo and keeps them great company.

More people came and went. We've had many people come around and stay here for a day or two then leave— or people who are undecided. Our country has had a lot of traction, and people wanting apart of what we've created.

Though not many solidified members.

Niki has began to build a bakery.
I've built my own house, along with Tubbo.
Wilbur remains living in the van, just with Fundy now.

The empty space of our land was becoming more full everyday.
We fixed cracks in our walls, and craters in the ground that were formed during war.

Everything on Wilbur's checklist he had mentioned previously was all checked off.
Every last thing.

Our country has been at its peak for the past week almost.

I've been prepared for the worst, as that's just how my mind works. Everything has been too good for too long, something had to rain on our parade at any moment—
we've never had it this good, ever.
I wake up stretching, greeted by the warm sunlight peering through the window that was on the opposing wall my bed was.
It shined across my face, this was always one of the greater parts of my day.

I walked around the area of my small-ish cottage making breakfast for myself.
This was put on hold when someone knocked at the door.

Alarmed for a second, I opened the door with a crack to reveal two people— dressed in the usual L'manburg uniforms.
My door opened all the way before I could see who it is.
Though it didn't matter, I looked up at the boy who was taller than me, whose blond hair shined in the morning sun— and a shorter boy who's hair was brown, longer and shagger than the first boy, but still tamed.

Tommy and Tubbo— of course.

I didn't really expect anyone else to be at my door at this time, although I hoped it was someone else.

To be fair, I didn't expect them at my door either, since we were granted freedom they both stopped waking up as early.
Judging by the state of their being, the quick rise and fall of their chests, sweat and redness across Tommy's face, and flowers that were in Tubbo's hand that were still dripping with the morning dew and dirt that dangled on the roots. Dirt falling off as he moved.

They were probably running around and hanging out, which was the reason I wasn't too surprised seeing them.

Before I could say anything, they both let themselves in, Tubbo handing me the flowers as he grazed by, they both sat down at my table.
I placed the assorted flowers into a vase that had already held some alliums. Turning to the boys, waiting for them to announce their journey that they had been on this morning— and watch them discreetly beg for breakfast.

The look I shot to the both of them said,
"Go on."

To which Tommy did go on,
"We've been running around all morning!" He shouted, before pausing for a breath.
"We ran all around and messed around at the farm! Then we went and got some more materials, for me to build a new house." He said proudly.

"Yeah! Then we went and hung out in the field!" Tubbo added excitedly.

I laugh a little in response to their immense excitement.

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