Chapter 29

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Y/n: I'm grand era of Cosmos.... A war broke out.... That war shaped the future of-

Kids: Boring...

Y/n: *closes book* No one likes thriller stories...

Kaguya: Hey Y/n! Lift me

I then lift Kaguya in my arms as she started playing with my nose...

Kaguya: Y/n I wanted to do paragliding!

Y/n: Okay so I will show you what a good father does...

I then threw Little Kaguya in air...

Kaguya: Ye!!!!! *Notices height and starts crying* SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!!

Shido: WTF Y/N!?!?

Y/n: What she wanted to do paragliding...

Shido: She has parachute?

Y/n: No...

Shido: SAVE HER!!!!

Y/n: Cmon in medival times they used to throw children off the cliffs!

I then jumped up and caught Crying Kaguya in my hands.

Kaguya: Y/N YOU BULLY!!! WHAA **starts crying loudly as some thunder are sent on me**

Y/n: **dodges** Jeez calm down! **Lands in front of little Rinne**

Rinne: Y/n! **Takes Kaguya as starts patting her**

Y/n: (What would have happened if they turned to boy not little girls?)

Tohka(Male) in imagination: Y-Y/n I feel weird do-

Y/n: (Alright enough my weird imagination...)

Tohka: Hey Y/n... I wanna go on a walk!

Y/n: Sure!

Tohka: *grabs his hand*

Mayuri: Me too! *Grabs his other hand*

Miku: I wanna go with Darling too! *Grabs his wrist*

Rinne: Me also! *Grabs his other wrist*

R.P: Look these girls love their father.

Y/n: (-_-)...

I then went out with the girls.

And Nothing serious happens so skip to the next day.


I was in class... And I am looking at those Devil- I mean kids who came to meet Shido...

Y/n: Natsumi can be a pain...

Hiroto: Who is this Natsumi Y/n? Your another Girlfriend?

Y/n: *whispers* Shido's Loli Girlfriend.



Y/n: Nothing... *to Hiroto* You know Spacequakes are created by supernatural beings known as Spirits.

Hiroto: Oh I see! When you publish your fantasy book do tell me!!!

Y/n: Alright!

Shido: *mouth wide open* ...............

[Kotori]: Shido... Please tell Mr. Y/n to come at roof.

Shido: Hai... *looks at Y/n* Hey Y/n please come at the roof with me-

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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