Chapter 11 : Frequency Mismatched

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Next day morning.....

Vansh was getting discharge from hospital. His mother Neelam was packing his stuffs. She was still worried for him.

"Still you didn't share what was the need to leave your room midst of such heavy rain??"

Vansh : "mom ! Please that was urgent now don't ask what?? Will share when time will come"

Neelam with broaden eyes "is it about any girl?? Vansh ! I am seriously done with your such behaviour towards girls. Get serious and concentrate on your studies... And I have given an excuse to your dad about your illness so please don't open your mouth infront of him or else you know the outcome."

Vansh : "ya I know... " With a utmost carelessness he said.

Driver came to take his bags,

"I have taken permission from principal you are coming with me for a week."

Vansh roared "ofcourse not mom... And without asking me how can you take such decision??!!!"

Neelam : "I am your mother vansh... And doctor has also adviced me to take you home, where we can monitor your health."

Vansh : "no way... I am not coming."

Neelam : "I am not here for your permission it's been decided. So get up !!!" She was now loosing her cool.

Vansh's pov "oh mom...!!! I have to inform this Riddhima first, or else she will make one plus one eleven.... " He rolled his eyes....

Neelam : "if you are done with your daydreaming then please move forward , your dad had called me twice."

Vansh gulped down his unspoken words "ok..."

He sat in the car and car made its way towards airport.

Riddhima was in her room...

"I really hope he must be ok... Should I call him? Or not??? Oh god I am getting too confuse. Let me call because after half and hour I have class after that it will be too late...."

She dailed his number, apperently vansh was also trying to reach her out.

"The number you are trying to reach is currently busy with someone else"

Vansh's pov "with whom is she talking??? Karan??? No wonder her one and only "BOY FRIEND"... "
Why am I getting affected by it... And it's her duty to call me and ask about my well being, but no she is busy with "SOMEONE ELSE" Karan...."

Riddhima's POV "what?? Busy?? Yesterday he wasn't in state to talk properly now busy??? Why ... Why... Like why trusted him, and how fool of me I shed teats for him and made myself responsible for this ... Must be his "GIRLFRIEND" sneha... Any way why am I getting affected... Let him call whenever he will get free."

They both tried number of times but finally getting irritated and stoped trying.

Meantime vansh reached to airport and headed towards security check.

And Riddhima entered into class to attend lecture.

It's evening....

Vansh already reached to his home (kolkata). His father (Kamal) was much worried for him.

Kamal : "Vansh... I have fixed your appointment to the best Pulmonologist of kolkata. Get ready we are leaving in half and hour.

Vansh : "Dad I am fine... Seriously and it's normal cold and fever."

Kamal : "I don't want to take any chance. Now don't argue with me go and get ready fast."

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