friends & music

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Previously- “Don’t worry kiyoko hinata’s father does not go easy on the people that mess with his son” kita replied with a small smile.the three soon made their way to their separate bedroom and soon went to sleep.
3rd person pov
12:50 am  wednesday
Hinata was inside his fathers office talking about some business that’s going to happen but they also talked about his music career but while they were talking someone was knocking on the door both stopped talking and asked the person to come in.
“Sir i found the information you need” korian said as he bowed down

“Thank you, you may be excused show me the information later in the evening ok” the father replied but while they were talking hinata showed a confused and questioning look as to why his father needed information and who. Karian nodded his head and left the office

“Dad what kind of information is he suppose to show you and why” hinata said when the door was closed and made eye contact with his dad

“I can’t say but i will say is that you’ll be very pleased by it” the father replied as he got up and went to sit down on the couch near his desk

“Okay? But anyways you said something about working with a new model is it a he or she” hinata questioned today is the day of modeling for hinata he’s dad has been thinking it’ll be good for him to work with someone new and not someone you always see

“Yes your right he’ll come here in maybe 2 hours he’s busy right now” his dad said as he smiled
“Okay oh and also i'm going to be modeling with natsu today while he’s not here i want her to model with me like we always did” hinata smiled

“ yeah that’s fine oh and also try not to fall for the model because i don’t want to question him” hinata’s dad said as he was drinking his water 

“Dad no why would i fall for him you when someone new come they always have to ask my number maybe he’s going to one of them i don’t have time to fall in love or have time to get to know them” hinata said a bit mad ever since the video he saw he’s been keeping away from the subject of love or boys whenever his sister brought up the subject of wanting a good guy or expressing falling in love hinata always went to his room and just sat there tears threatening to fall but if they did fall he’ll always remind himself they are not worth it it hurt him still but he always reminded himself it’ll get better 

“Okay,just saying” hinata’s dad giggled 

“Not funny, i'll be going now. I have to go change into the clothes me and natsu prepared” hinata replied as he made his way to the office door and soon was gone. 
Hinata’s dad made his way to his desk and picked up his phone and started to dial his assistant

 “Korian when the model comes please have someone  keep an eye on him and have a bodyguard for my son while he’s modeling with him. I don't want the new model passing line with my son. If it does happen, kick him out immediately” 

 “Yes sir don’t worry i'm on it right now” 

“Good i’ll let you go know goodbye” with that he ended the phone call. Hinata dad was sitting down in his chair thinking about the new model his dad knows how the model looks like but you never know someone's intentions in the past he had many males hitting and trying to get his son alone but with the body guard their for hinata they always take him outside and let them deal with him he’s ended one models carrer for trying to kiss him and that did not end good for him nor his family. 
Time skip   
Both Hinata and Natsu were in the music room and they had their clothes ready.  They were just waiting for the photographers to get here. Both sibling were sitting down on the couch while hinata was trying to find the right song to sing for his sister because his sister asked him if he could sing a little song for her

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