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previously -Who can it be this time of the night? I get up and make my way to the door.I open the door to see who it is and to my surprise it was the least person I expected to see it was …
Hinata’s pov
nekomi ? What is she doing in the middle of the night and most importantly how did she get my address? I don't remember giving it to her or inviting her over.

“Hi hinata sorry for being here yuu gave me your address and here i am i just wanted to ask you something” she said i don’t know why he gave her my address we barely even talk now he's going to give my address to the least person i want to see. I really want to close the door on her but it’ll be rude of me. Lets just hear her out, maybe it’s important i hope so.

“What is it?” i asked clearly annoyed

“Well I wanted to ask and invite you to my graduation party next week. It'll be nice to have you. My boyfriends are going to be there also” i feel like she just shows them off but what fault does she have? She's beautiful and has everything a guy would love in a girl.

“ i don’t think i have a chance to go i have to go somewhere that day sorry’’ it's not really like i have to go more like i just want to go i don’t really want to be their at the party i don’t have time for that it’ll just make me look embarrassed

“Oh will if you ever change your mind here's an invitation  with my address on it”she hands me the invitation and i gladly take it

“Yeah thanks and have good night’’
“Bye hinata” 

And with that she leaves and I close the door.I look down at the invitation and I just feel like crumbling the paper. I won't need it after all. I'm not going to be living here any more. I make my way to my piano and sit down

“Are you ready natsu”i ask while looking at her
“Yep’’ she says with a big smile.i love her smile im glad i have her by my side
I begin to press the piano keys and start to sing.

I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater
You said it looked better on me than it did you
Only if you knew how much I liked you
But I watch your eyes as she
Walks by
What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerised while I die
Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester
But you like her better
Wish I were Heather
Watch as she stands with her, holding your hand
Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder
But how could I hate her, she's such an angel
But then again, kinda wish she were dead as she
Walks by
What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerised while I die
Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester
But you like her better
I wish I were Heather
Oh, I wish I were Heather
Oh, oh, wish I were Heather

By the time i was done singing i had tears in my eyes i was still hurt i still couldn't get over them i loved them but they chose her i could see why but still why not me i did everything for them i stayed with them through thick and thin i even got suspended by the principle when they got into an argument with someone and it still wasn't enough i know im dumb and and stupid but ill never leave their side even at their worst i guess however  many times i try to show them i love them they’ll always choose her

“Nii-chan dont cry im sure youll get your happy ending” she says with tears in her eyes also

“Alright i’ll stop crying now what about if  after my graduation we go live with dad does that sound good ” i say wiping my tears away
“Yes yes we will get to finally see daddy” 

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