The Journey

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When cousin and Priscilla caem into the car the girls ware awake and looking around the car "puppy ware are u Priscilla" Sara called and Priscilla ran up to her and started to like her face cleaning the tears off the girls cheeks. "hello i am Gregory you escort to your new home" the boy said crossing his arms and looking searus. 

"now can some one tell me why my little cousin Priscilla is in dog form still and ware in the hell is your contact what her name Amelia " he sad red faced julie got angry but kept there cool but her tone was not very thretening "its Amanda" Gregory waved his hand in the air like he was dismissing the name "don't really care vampires are all the same only in it for themselves duno why she even took this job in the first place" he sighed and sat down for the first time he looked worn out and exosted. "now tell me from the beginning on how Priscilla did not change back to her human form" 

with Sara watching the boy curicvly  Julie steam coming out of her ears littlery and Josephine thought the boy was kinda cute decides to take it upon herself to answer Greg's question. 

few hours later and a few trains rides later they made it to there destination and Amanda waiting for them. Gregory looked angry again "you did not finish the task completely you were suppose to be on the train with them u will not get paid this week and your going to have to be on puppy doodty got it vamper?" Amanda jest gives him an evil smirk "sorry puppy but i have other plans" and with a fell swoop picks up Josephine like a empty sack of potato's and starts to run away the boy tryes to run after her but before he gets past the platform the girl is out of site. 

"dammit Father going to be very upset about this" and red faced and hands fisted as if he wanted to punch some once face in. little Sara grabbed his hand and looked up at him with watery eyes "were is Amanda taking Josephine"? and Greg takes a deep breath and keeps his anger in check before looking down at the girl when he saw those sad eyes his heart felt so heavy seeing such a young pup being so sad. he Neel's down puts his hand on her cold cheek "hay don't worry once we get you to your new home ill go out and find Josephine alright be brave we got not far to go" and Sara holding Priscilla Gregory picks up Sara and put her on his shoulders "hehehe im tall look at me Julie i am bigger then you'and with that Gregory pulls out his flute and put his arms around Sara's feet so she doesn't lean back and falls off and starts play a cheery toon as they walk through town. 

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