Chapter 10

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Kara walked into the DEO the next morning, immediately surrounded by Alex, Hank and Winn.

"Supergirl! Where have you been? What happened? What did the kryptonite do?" Alex flooded her with questions, while checking Kara over for injury.

Kara blushed as she thought of the events of the day prior. She cleared her throat nervously.

"Um, can we discuss this somewhere more private?" Kara was embarrassed enough that she had to tell these three about it without having the entire DEO know about it.

"Of course, Supergirl. How about we go to your training room?" J'onn offered, noticing her unusual shyness. He was used to seeing this in Kara Danvers, but normally it was shed when she assumed the identity of Supergirl.

As they walked, Kara felt more and more uneasy. She had no idea what she was going to say. How she was going to tell them. Walking into the training room, she anxiously reached up to rub her neck, moving her hair.

"Kara!" Winn said louder than he meant to. Slightly softer, he said "What's on your neck?"

"What?" Kara asked, wondering what he could be referring to.

"Let me see." Alex said and moved Kara's hair off of her neck. "OH." Alex gasped. "Ew."

"What is - " Kara started and then she realized what must be marking her neck. She blushed deeply. "Yeah. Well, you see the periwinkle kryptonite... It has an effect on certain inhibitions..." Kara couldn't bring herself to say anymore. Her cheeks were on fire with embarrassment.

Alex and Winn just stared at her with thier mouths hanging open. J'onn cleared his throat.

"Well then. Um, I'm just glad you're okay. And now I'm gonna go do... something else." J'onn offered an uncomfortable smile and promptly made his exit.

Winn got over his shock first. "Um, Kara, so the effects wore off?"

"Yeah. I got a splinter of the rock stuck in the skin of my finger. I pulled it out before I went to sleep, so the effects are gone." Kara knew Winn just needed to know where the kryptonite was if there was any of it left.

"So, where is the splinter? You know I'm gonna need that." He said, guessing that he knew what Kara was gonna say next.

"About that," Kara started. Looking down at the floor she continued, "I was thinking I'd just keep it. It's only a tiny bit anyways."

"Keep it?" Alex spluttered, finally getting over her shock. "Why would you want to keep it?"

Kara looked up at her sister with a sheepish grin on her very red face.

"Oh. Ohhh. Good God, things I didn't need to know about my baby sister." Alex said, running her fingers through her hair in exasperation.

"Go ahead and keep it. Technically, we need to clear it with J'onn but I don't think he wants to know. I don't even want to know. I'm just going to go back to my computer now." Winn stuttered as he bashfully stumbled backward, out of the room.

"Well, now that everyone is sufficiently scarred for life, come on." Alex said, putting an arm around Kara and leading her from the room.

"Where are we going?" Kara asked, confused.

"To fight obviously. I was serious about kicking your ass for disappearing like that." Alex joked, and she turned on the kryptonite emitters in their training ring.

"Starting now." Alex said as she turned and placed a punch square across Kara's jaw.

Kara stumbled backwards from the force of the hit. She smiled at her big sister. "Oh, it's on."

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