Chapter 6

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"Hey Princess. You almost done?" Kara kissed Lena on the cheek and placed her hands on the CEO's shoulders.

Lena was sitting at her desk in her penthouse, finishing up a last-minute contract for L-Corp. She was incredibly frustrated as it had been a long week and this was the first time she had seen Kara in days. Her life seemed duller and tense without the rays of sunshine that radiate from the blonde's smile.

"Almost darling. I'm sorry it has been such a crazy week." Lena wanted nothing more than to leave her work behind and relax with her girlfriend. She wanted to be taken care of by the strong, powerful heroine after the relentless meetings that had taken over her life the past few days.

"It's okay. I just want to help you. Is there anything I can do?" Kara's words became soft. She wrapped her arms around Lena's shoulders, giving her a small hug.

"I'm almost done. And it's late. Go on to bed and I'll be there soon. Once I finish stroking the ego of this companies board of directors." Lena placed her hand on Kara's, gently relaxing into the woman's arms. She was enamored with how sweet Kara was, but tonight she needed something different.

Sensing how Lena needed to let go, Kara put more authority in her voice. "Okay." Kara's hands slid from Lena, an idea forming. "But don't be too long," Kara husked into Lena's ear smiling as she saw the brunette still at her words, "You know what happens if I'm kept waiting." Kara lightly bit Lena's earlobe as she finished talking.

A small whimper left Lena's mouth. Kara knew that tonight she had all the power. Lena loved when Kara took control. And after the week she has had, Lena is wet at just the thought. "H-H-How long?" Lena knew she had about 15 minutes of work left on her contract. It still astounds her that just the idea of the Super holding all of her power could reduce her to a bumbling mess.

"Hmmm," Kara sighed against Lena's neck causing her to shiver. "7 minutes."

Kara started to walk away, her mind going over what she was going to do with Lena tonight. She loved being the caring, soft Kara Danvers with her girlfriend. But on nights like tonight, Lena needed something else. Kara let herself indulge when Lena relinquished control. The teachings on Krypton and her abilities on Earth had the ability to bring out a side of Kara she didn't realize she had until her experience with Red K. Kara wanted to please Lena as best she could, but on nights like this one, Kara Zor-El relished the near worship the youngest Luthor had for her. She had never, ever entertained the idea that she could do something like this with anyone, until the night came when Lena first asked her to take control.

Kara had never realized how much she loved the feeling of power. She had her strength and speed and everything else, but having someone actually turn all of their control over to her was intoxicating. Especially when that person was Lena Luthor. So on nights like this one, Kara was more than happy to help her stressed out CEO girlfriend let go and be controlled.

As Kara disappeared into the bedroom, Lena typed faster than she ever thought possible. She finished as fast as she could and looked at the time. She cursed as she saw, it had been 10 minutes. She gulped as she made her way to the bedroom, anticipation causing an uncomfortable wetness in her panties.

Lena was flooded with arousal at the sight that met her eyes when she walked into her bedroom. Kara was laying on the bed, bathed in the green light of the Kryptonite above her. The old stone had been switched for a smaller size, now that Kara could control and even begin to use her powers when she and Lena were together. The new stone was about the size of a nickel, just enough to dampen the intensity of her powers.

Kara's back was against the satin sheets, her hands slowly drifting across her body. She was in only a pair of black silk boxers, ones that she kept at Lena's for nights like tonight. Lena noticed that the boxers looked slightly bigger against Kara's hips tonight and her heartbeat quickened at the thought of what was under them.

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