Chapter 5

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Lena finished applying the last of her makeup. She was thankful the marks Kara had left on her were nearly faded. She was tired of having to spend the extra time every day to cover them.

Lena took one last look at herself. She had her hair down and straight. Her makeup was minimal, meant only to accentuate her features. She was wearing a red dress, fit tightly to her slender figure, showing her off.

Kara had told her to dress nicely. The blonde had a date planned for the two of them. Usually their dates were more laid back given how little free time the two had, but tonight both of them had cleared their schedules for each other. Even Supergirl had gotten the night off, barring the end of the world.

As Lena slipped on her black heels, she heard a knock at her door. Lena's heart fluttered as she opened it.

Kara stood in the doorway, her mouth slightly open as she saw Lena for the first time. Lena mirrored her actions as she took in Kara's flowing, knee-length, black dress. Her blonde waves framing her face. Kara adjusted her glasses nervously.

"Hi. Wow Lena. You look - " Kara stumbled as she tried to find the words to express how stunning her girlfriend looked.

"Same to you." Lena quipped, trying to hide the pink that had rushed to her cheeks at Kara's reaction. Lena stepped to the side, allowing Kara entrance to the apartment.

"So, what exactly are we doing tonight?" Lena asked, closing the door.

Kara turned to her, "Something I've wanted to do with you for a long time." Kara looked at Lena with an expression Lena couldn't quite decipher. She looked into sapphire eyes, seeing a deepness that she didn't know existed. It was as if Kara's eyes were filled with every emotion she had ever felt. Love, sadness, joy. The sight took Lena's breath away. She stepped toward Kara, kissing her gently. "Shall we?" Kara held out her hand to Lena. The brunette nodded and smiled as she took Kara's hand.

Lena's driver took them to where Kara had instructed. Once they arrived, Kara dismissed him for the night. Lena couldn't believe her eyes as she took in the view. They were on a cliff top, the lights and beauty of National City spreading out before them. In front of her was a white canopy, standing tall over a table set for two, candles lighting up the night.

Kara's hand slid into Lena's gently. "Do you like it?" her voice still had a nervous quality to it. She was anxious for tonight to go well.

"I love it Kara. This is beautiful." Lena turned and kissed her girlfriend lovingly.

They ate quietly, enjoying being together, watching the city below them. Once they had finished, Kara stood nervously, and cleared her throat. Lena wondered what had her so off-balance tonight.

"I want to show you something." Kara took Lena's hand and brought her out from under the canopy. The stars were out, shining brightly above them. Kara looked up and took a deep breath. She brought her eyes back to Lena, seeking the emeralds that she knew would calm her. "I come here a lot. Whenever it gets to much, or I need guidance. I come here and things seem to fit better. I've never shared this with anyone. Not even Clark or Alex. But I want to share it with you." Kara's words began with hesitation but became more sure as she spoke.

Lena's heart was beating rapidly. The idea that Kara trusted her so much made Lena's eyes prickle with tears.

Kara moved behind Lena, wrapping her arms around Lena's waist, her chin on Lena's shoulder. "Follow my hand." Kara moved her right arm from Lena's waist and pointed towards the stars stretching far in front of them. "Do you see those three really bright stars? The ones that make a triangle?" Lena nodded as she followed Kara's line of sight. "And just to the right of them, the dimmer, reddish one?" Again Lena nodded, her tears starting to fall as she realized what Kara was sharing with her.

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