chapter 1

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Lena laid awake staring out the window through the gaps on Kara's clothing racks. She was on her side, in her position as the little spoon while the strong blonde was nestled behind her. This wasn't the first time she had stayed at Kara's overnight. It wasn't even the first time they had shared a bed. But Lena's feelings had started to change.

She knew she had more than platonic feelings for her best friend. And she knew Kara had feelings for her too. But Kara was Supergirl. When she told Lena her secret, it was like she sucked the air from Lena's lungs. All of her hopes and fantasies about her ability to create a life with Kara seemed so far away. All she could think about is how much she would take away from the gorgeous heroine.

She saw the public's faith crumbling as they realized that the Super was consorting with a Luthor. She imagined all of the horrible tactics her mother and Lex would use to destroy Supergirl and hurt herself. She felt the overwhelming distrust of Kara's friends and family grow towards her. She was afraid. Lena knew that she and Kara wouldn't work. They couldn't work. She cared for Kara far too much to put her in jeopardy because of their relationship.

So she told Kara then and there. She said that they needed to remain friends. She was too distraught to give Kara a proper explanation though. So Kara believed it was because Lena was afraid of her. The hurt in her eyes after Lena rejected her was almost too much to bear. It was as if all of the sadness in the world had collected behind this pair of beautiful blue eyes.

But that was months ago, and since then their friendship had grown stronger. Kara's family and friends grew to trust Lena. Supergirl became an outspoken supporter of many (but not all) of L-Corps projects. She helped the public begin to trust the Luthor name once more. And as Lena and Kara worked together, Cadmus was closer than ever to being completely shut down.

And all of these things have happened without harming Kara or Supergirl. And it was causing Lena to let her guard down. She began to wonder if she and Kara could work. And laying in bed, with Kara's arm around her middle, listening to the sound of the blonde's breath in the stillness of the night, she finally realized that Kara was worth the risk.

She could feel the warmth radiating from the woman beside her. Lena longed for the feeling of Kara against her back. Ever since Kara thought that Lena was afraid of her, she kept a space between the two of them when they were laying together. She wanted to keep from making Lena feel suffocated.

Lena rolled onto her back, into the space between them so her shoulder now rested against Kara's chest. Lena placed her newly freed right hand on Kara's arm and lightly stroked it. Kara stirred. Her arm tightened around Lena's waist as if to hug her. She pulled her other arm from under Lena's head to prop herself on her elbow. She looked down at Lena with confusion, the raven haired beauty never woke in the night.

Lena raised her left hand to caress Kara's cheek. Kara leaned into the touch. As she closed her eyes, she heard Lena's heart beat start to race. She opened her eyes and looked into Lena's. It was like the sky meeting the ocean. Blue into green.

Lena moved her hand from Kara's cheek slowly around to the back of her neck.

"Lena." Kara said with hesitation trying to hide the excitement and longing escaping into her voice.

Lena took a breath. She stared into her personal sky and saw the same love she felt staring back at her. She spoke softly, "Kara." She broke eye contact to stare at the lips only a foot from her face. Beautiful, pink, full lips that she longed to feel against her own. She saw the hitch in Kara's breath before she heard it. Her eyes slowly drifted back up, afraid that she would find pity or confustion. Lena had never stopped to think about whether or not Kara's feelings for her were still there. But the look on Kara's face was all Lena needed. Kara's eyes were filled to the brim with longing and hope and love. So Lena uttered the two words she had longed to say for months, barely above a whisper, "Kiss me."

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