The Chest

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"The chest? But... why? What's in it?" Adrien asked Marinette.

She shrugged and said, "Miraculous can work in mysterious ways,"

Adrien frowned. Why did she keep saying that? What wasn't she telling him? He reluctantly left her side and walked closer to the chest. There was a lock on it. Childs play, Adrien chuckled to himself. "Plagg, claws out," he said as he neared the lock, "Cataclysm!" he exclaimed, his hand bursting with his kwami's destructive powers for the second time that night. He touched the lock with the claw of his index finger and the metal crumbled. Chat Noir reached to open the chest. The lid creaked as he lifted it open, revealing a bin full of various papers, a large, ancient-looking book, and a small blue and purple brooch. 

"The peacock miraculous?" Chat breathed, "I thought this was lost after Mayura gave it up," No, he thought bitterly, his father just had it hidden here, along with his entire double life. Chat Noir plucked the magical object from inside the chest and ran his fingers over its design.

"The peacock miraculous grants the power of emotion," Marinette hinted. 

Adrien looked over at her. She met his gaze, her eyes were full confidence for him, but Adrien didn't feel confident. Her words echoed in his head "you might just be able to save us both." The pressure to make the right decision was overwhelming and he wondered if this is what it felt like to be Ladybug every day.  

"I trust you to do what's right, Chat Noir," Marinette urged him gently.

He pinned the brooch to his suit, "Duusu," He exhaled deeply, as the blue, peacock themed kwami appeared, "Plagg, unify,"

He felt a familiar rush of energy as the two kwami's powers swirled inside of him, but it was nowhere near as unstable and almighty as the the powers of creation and destruction had been once combined. It was almost as if as soon as he combined the miraculous of emotion and destruction, his intentions were made clear. He knew exactly what he needed to do. He pushed away all of his his feelings of grief, loneliness, and desire and allowed his emotions of love, empathy, and understanding take over. He closed his eyes and let the warmth of his positive sentiment wash over him. He took a breath and opened the palm of his hand to reveal the black power of destruction and blue power of emotion surged together. Adrien plucked a feather from the fan the peacock miraculous had granted him and cupped it in his hands, allowing the power he held there to seep into the enhanced feather. He walked over to his father, lying still on the ground and released the amok. It floated effortlessly through the air and finally laid rest onto a small brooch concealed under Gabriel's signature red and white striped tie. The brooch absorbed the amok, glowing with the power. Then, Adrien watched as a ghostly outline of a man formed above Gabriel Agreste, then sunk into him. Adrien sighed with satisfaction as he watched his father begin to stir. 

"Plagg, Duusu, divide," Adrien said as he took off the peacock brooch and Duusu appeared back out in front of him. "Plagg, claws in," he said as he walked over to his father, fully detransformed. 

"Adrien?" he asked, looking around without recognition of where he was. Adrien smiled lightly. Everything had worked out perfectly.

"Hello, father,"

"Adrien where are we? How did we get in here?"

"It's a long story, father. You should call for our driver to meet us out front. I'll explain everything when we get home,"

Gabriel Agreste nodded and Adrien walked back over to Marinette. "Here, you should give this back to the guardian," he said holding out the peacock miraculous.

She smiled with pure admiration in her eyes as she accepted the brooch, "I knew you could figure it out Adrien. Would you explain one thing though?" Adrien nodded. "How come your dad doesn't remember anything?"

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