Questions and Answers

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Marinette walked the short distance from the bus to her apartment above her parents bakery in complete silence after leaving Adrien. Her mind was running a hundred miles a minute. It wasn't until she made it to her room that Tikki popped out of her purse to ask her what was the matter.

"Tikki," Marinette started slowly, "how come Chat Noir's cataclysm lit up my lucky charm before destroying it? I thought Plagg was the kwami of destruction. Wouldn't that mean that anything Chat touched with his power would immediately turn to ash? That's what's happened in the past with all of his other cataclysms,"

"Well, it's because he used his power on your lucky charm, Marinette. His cataclysm works a little differently on the power caused by a fellow kwami. Don't you remember the time your dad was akumatized?" Tikki asked, but how could Marinette forget? At the time, pretending to be in love with Chat Noir had been one of the most embarrassing situations she'd ever been in. Who knew that one day she'd fall for the silly cat for real? "When Chat Noir used his cataclysm on your lucky charm that time, it didn't destroy the entire boat you were given, only the parts of it you didn't need to succeed in using it. Kwami's powers work in mysterious ways when they are given an owner, Marinette,"

Marinette nodded slowly, she was beginning to understand but there was still one thing she couldn't put together.

"But why didn't Chat return to normal when he was hurt by Tempest, Tikki? I thought that my Miraculous Ladybugs were supposed to revert everything back to the way it was before the villains were akumatized,"

"It is not an exact science. The ladybugs do what they can. It's kind of like how Hawk Moth's victims can hardly remember being akumatized, but you and Chat Noir can still remember the entire battle. It's possible that the ladybugs were only able to heal Chat Noir the best they could,"

"Are you saying that Chat was... that he..." Marinette couldn't bring herself to say the words.

"It's a possibility Marinette, but just remember that everything worked out. Don't torture yourself with what if's," the kwami replied seriously.

Marinette couldn't help but worry about it. If her ladybugs had done everything they could to save Chat that time, what would happen if Hawk Moth got a hold of them? She feared that he would do anything to get a hold of her and Chat Noir's miraculous jewels. She had only met Hawk Moth in person a handful of times, but he struck Marinette as a man who would go to any length to get what he wanted.

Marinette didn't know how long she'd been staring into nothing, thinking about everything Tikki had told her when she heard a thump on her rooftop. She glanced at the time on her computer. It read 1:38am. She had school tomorrow, what was that cat doing here at this time of night? She didn't move from her at her desk, her knees tucked up against her chest. Maybe if he thought she'd fallen asleep, he'd go away. Instead of leaving though, Chat Noir slipped through the hatch to the balcony, landing on Marinette's bed.

"Marinette?" Chat asked quietly as Tikki flew to hide in one of Marinette's pencil boxes.

"I'm down here, Chat,"

He swung over her lofted bed to look at her. His hair hung off his head as he stared at her upside down. He smiled, "You know I think I'm feeling a bit head over heels for you tonight, Princess," he grinned.

Marinette tried not to wear her emotions on her face as she flashed Chat a smile she hoped had been convincing. She watched Chat frown as he flipped off the bed and landed lightly on the ground. Apparently, she had not been convincing. He crouched in front of Marinette and his expression softened from his usual flirtatious grin into genuine concern for her. This was a new look for her partner.

"Hey, what's bothering you Marinette? You look... anxious,"

Marinette searched for a way to ease Chat's worry without giving away anything about her identity as Ladybug. "I guess... I guess I'm just worried about you," she said finally.

"You don't need to worry about me Marinette. I am a superhero after all and I'm not alone either. I have Ladybug to help me out of any tight situation I find myself in,"

Marinette knitted her eyebrows together at that. He had so much confidence in Ladybug, but how would he feel if he ever found out that his strong, capable parter was really just plain old Marinette? "Aren't you worried?" She replied, a little icier than she'd intended, "Hawk Moth's villains have only become stronger and more destructive over time. Aren't you worried that he's planning something big? Are you ready to face him? Is Ladybug?" She asked, finding herself only inches from Chat's face. He drew back as if Marinette had slapped him across the face, but Marinette continued anyway, her emotions were bubbling over and Chat Noir was in the direct path of the storm. "Why are you even here to see me? I thought that you and Ladybug were a duo, so stop coming over here and messing with my emotions Chat Noir!" She hurled at him. Marinette expected the hero to leave, she expected him to yell back at her, she expected him to do anything besides what happened next.

He leaned forward and brought her into his arms and Marinette broke down. He held her as she let out everything. She was scared, no, she was terrified. She was terrified that she wasn't going to be able to face Hawk Moth, she was terrified that she would lose Chat Noir forever, she was terrified that she would fail and let down everyone in Paris. The weight on her shoulders was becoming too hard to bear alone. She finally drew back from Chat's embrace and wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry," she said softly, looking down at her hands.

"Don't apologize, Marinette. I think I understand. If I look at this from your eyes, you've lost trust in Ladybug. You're afraid that she won't be able to win against Hawk Moth, you're afraid I'm going to be caught in the crossfire. You-"

"No, Chat Noir," Marinette interrupted, "I know you'll get caught in the crossfire. As long as you're in love with Ladybug, you'll do anything for her and that includes sacrificing yourself," She continued, never looking up from her hands which were now clenched into fists, "You're right, I don't have as much confidence in Ladybug as you do. That doesn't mean I don't trust her to do what she thinks is right, I just am worried she'll let you put yourself in harms way and I can't be close to you when that happens."

Chat Noir was silent for a moment before asking, "Who said I'm in love with Ladybug, Marinette?"

Marinette finally shot up to look Chat Noir in the eye, "You do, every day you see her. I can see the way you act around her, Chat Noir, so can everyone in Paris. Don't pretend you don't have feelings for her,"

"Ladybug's my partner, Marinette," He began softly, his green eyes sincere, "we have a bond. We always will. I'm... comfortable with Ladybug. I won't lie to you and say that I didn't have feelings for her at one point, but I know she'll never be able to reciprocate them, so I moved on,"

He'd moved on? Marinette's head was spinning. She knew the feelings she'd felt when she had shared that kiss with Chat, but she hadn't realized that his feelings for Ladybug had dissipated because of it. When had he come to this realization? She'd seen him only hours ago and he'd seemed like her normal, flirtatious partner then. But... maybe this didn't have to be a bad thing. Ladybug was Marinette. She'd fallen in love with the real Chat noir, so wasn't it only fitting that he fell in love with the real Ladybug too? "Do you mean..." Marinette began, looking into Chat Noir's emerald eyes.

Chat didn't let Marinette finish her thought though, "Yes, Marinette, it's you. It will always be you," he murmured before their lips joined together in a breathless kiss.

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