Lost in Madrid

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Adrien watched, concerned, as Marinette jumped from person to person, trying to figure out who was holding on to her bag. When she got to Kim, Adrien watched the boy rub the back of his neck and gesture back towards the Plaza de Oriente. Marinette was as pale as a ghost. She stopped dead in her tracks, oblivious to the tourists weaving around her giving her dirty looks as they passed. Marinette looked up, took a peek at Mme. Mendeleiev, then slipped through the crowd back in the direction of the Palace.

Adrien blinked. Is she doing what he thought she was doing? He made a split second decision and ran after her. He caught up with the raven haired girl and grasped her hand. Marinette jumped, pulling her hand away quickly before she realized that it was Adrien. 

"Oh, it's just you," she said, sounding a bit relieved, "You don't have to come with me, Adrien, go back with everyone else. I'll be quick." 

Adrien frowned, "I don't think I like the idea of you wandering around Spain by yourself."

Marinette considered this for a moment, then motioned for him to follow her, "I don't have time to argue with you about it anyway, I don't want Mme. Mendeleiev to even know we were gone."

She took Adrien's hand and pulled him behind her as she walked quickly back towards the plaza where the palace stood. They made it there in record time and Marinette scanned the scene. "No way," she gasped as she took off in the direction of the fountain that laid in front of the Palacio de Oriente. She seized the small bag and peered inside of it. Adrien saw her throw her head back in relief then run back towards him happily. 

"I'm guessing nothing was taken?"

"Nope! Everything is here."

"Great! Do you know how to get back from here?"

Marinette's smile dropped quickly, "Uh, no," she admitted.

"See, this is precisely why I tagged along. Now you're not alone and wandering the streets of a foreign country."

"Yeah, yeah, spare me the lecture," Marinette said playfully waving a hand at him, "I don't suppose you speak Spanish oh wise and morally competent one?" she continued batting her eyelashes. 

"Sorry, only French and Chinese," Adrien shrugged. 

"Did you at least catch where we were heading?"

"Oh I'm sorry, did you want me to grab an itinerary before taking off after you, mademoiselle?" Adrien asked feigning annoyance.

"Could we call Alya or Nino?" Marinette asked, ignoring his comment.

Adrien patted his pockets, coming up empty. "I think I actually gave my phone to Nino while we were taking pictures," Adrien said sheepishly, "What about you?"

Marinette held up her device, "Dead," she replied.

"Well, no use stressing about it, theres nothing we can really do. I think I overheard something about heading to an art museum. So, we can just head back in the direction we came in and look around for any signs that read 'museo de arte.'"

Marinette folded her arms in front of her chest, "I thought you didn't speak Spanish," 

"Oh please, it's basically the same words in French," Adrien grumbled, pulling Marinette in the direction he hoped the museum was in.

After roaming around for a few minutes Adrien noticed Marinette chewing on her bottom lip. "Hey, is something wrong?"

Marinette looked at him like he had two heads, then said slowly, "Yes, we are lost in Madrid," 

"Yes, Marinette, but besides that," Adrien couldn't help but laugh. He slipped his hands into his front pockets nonchalantly before stating, "You're chewing on your bottom lip, you only do that when you're nervous or concentrating."

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