Tethered Souls

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Marinette paced back in forth in front of her desk, muttering to herself. Her kwami, Tikki, sat on Marinette's computer mouse, her tiny head moving back and forth, keeping pace with Marinette's movements. 

"What are you so nervous about, Marinette?" she finally asked.

"What do you mean, Tikki?"

"I mean that you've practically burned a hole through the floor with how long you've been pacing in the same spot, you're muttering - which you only do when you're stressed, you cleaned your room three times when you got home from school today, and you didn't even touch the dinner your parents made for you."

"What- I haven't been-" Marinette moaned, and fell into her desk chair, "No, you're right Tikki, as always. I am nervous."

"What for?"

"Well... I don't know. I think I'm confused," Marinette confessed, "I think I have feelings for Chat Noir?" Tikki opened her tiny mouth to say something but Marinette continued talking quickly, "I mean I know that he's my partner and that I don't even know him under the mask, but I care for him, Tikki. I didn't think I did, but I do. Ever since the accident I can't seem to keep my feelings separate from Ladybug's. I thought I liked Adrien and maybe I still do, but-"

"Marinette," Tikki interrupted, "There's nothing wrong with having feelings for Chat Noir. You two have been through so much together. Besides, there have been centuries of Ladybugs before you and nearly all of them have fallen for their own version of Chat Noir."

"Really?" Marinette asked, her eyes wide, "What do you mean by that, Tikki?"

"Well, Plagg and I are connected," Tikki explained, "We are two halves of the same whole, perfect opposites: creation and destruction. Even the forms that we take represent good luck and bad luck. Our connection is legendary. It has famously brought together almost every single one of our miraculous holders over the years."

Marinette frowned, "Does that mean that the connection I feel to Chat Noir right now is all because of your connection to Plagg? And... that I don't really have feelings for him?"

"Of course not Marinette. Plagg and I are connected, thats true, but you were chosen to be Ladybug. And Chat Noir was chosen too. That was not a coincidence. You don't feel the way you do because of me; Plagg and I only brought you two together. Our miraculous jewels are given to tethered souls. You and Chat Noir, whoever he is under the mask, were destined to be together."

Marinette sat back, soaking up everything that Tikki was saying. She had been chosen? Her soul was bound to someone else's? And that someone was... Chat Noir?

Marinette didn't have much time to deliberate, though, because just then she heard a thud come from over her bed. Marinette made her way over to open the trap door to the balcony and Chat Noir dropped down, landing softly on the bed.

"Princess!" Chat greeted her, cheerfully, "I have had just about the best day ever! And guess what! I- Whats wrong?" Chat asked stopping mid sentence when he saw her face.

Marinette was barely listening, she was so lost in thought she hadn't even looked at him.

"Hey," Chat said grasping her hands in his, catching her attention, "Marinette, is everything okay?"

"Yes, of course!" Marinette smiled, breaking into a semi-convincing smile. What was she supposed to say? "Hey Chat! Guess what? Our souls are bound and so were every other Ladybug and Chat Noir's before us! Isn't that a large pill to swallow! Anyway, want to watch a movie?" Marinette didn't think so.

Chat didn't look convinced but he followed her as she made her way down to her vanity anyway. "Okay, so I think you're going to have to put this back on, since I'm not entirely sure how that comes off," Marinette said gesturing to Chat Noir's outfit with her pointer finger, then handing him the black sweatshirt and masquerade mask again, "but I think this will be the last time! I'll head downstairs for a minute while you change so you don't accidentally reveal your identity to me."

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