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Six days. She had been gone for six days. I've had to cut my rations of food in half because I'm afraid of running out of food. I don't know the area very well and again, I'm scared of going out and being found out.

This was ridiculous. I didn't understand how she could just leave me like this. But I guess when you're in an environment like this, you tend to go crazy.

I was in the house, sitting by the table next to the kitchen and smoking, when I began to hear a ring. I had no idea where it was coming from but it sounded like a telephone. I began to follow the sound.

I was led to Kaylin's room. It was coming from her floor. I moved the carpet and saw a loose floorboard, not surprising.

I moved the floorboard and saw that there was a landline. I answered it.

"Hello," I answered nervously.

"Hayes?" Curtis questioned.

"Oh hey Mr Walker," I greeted confused, "I thought the signal in Colombia-"

"I'm in Poland now. I left Colombia and went to Mexico. From there I got on a boat and sailed to Poland," he explained.

"Oh," I said.

"Now tell me Hayes, has Kaylin come home?" he asked with a sense of worry in his voice.

"No. How did you know she left?" I asked.

"The letter was first sent to me and then I had someone drop it off at your place. She called me telling me she wanted to come to me and I told her I was in Mexico. She was going to come but then felt remorseful for leaving you behind. She was torn. She tells me that she came home and you guys got into a fight and she took off again," his voice grew disapproving towards the end.

"Yeah," my voice trailed off, "she's been gone for six days. Do you have any idea where she is?"

"She's in Nevada with her cousin. She's cooling off. She'll be back," he stated, "please can you just protect my princess. I know things may seem low for the moment but I promise you things are going to get better. I just need a bit more time. I already got half of the plan done. Just try keep her sane. I know that whenever her Mom drags her down she has a tendency to fly off the rails. I'm gonna get you outta there."

"I'll try my absolute best Mr Walker. Thanks for calling and checking up. I'll let you know when she comes home and I promise, I'll protect her. I'm so worried for her, I just want her to come back safely. I want us to get home safely," I expressed.

"It'll happen. I'll make sure of it. Is there anything you need me to do for you son?" he asked.

"Actually Mr Walker, I'm running low on food and I'm not too sure about going out to get some I don't know the area well and I don't wanna be-"

"Say no more. I'll have someone come and drop off some stuff tomorrow morning. Don't want ya starvin' to death son," he chuckled which caused me to do the same, "I gotta keep ya alive. You're the only person my angel had right now and you make me happier than she's ever been. It's the least I could do."

"Thank you so much Mr Walker," I smiled. It was nice to know he really cared about me.

"Curtis will do anything for ya boy, and that's what you can call me from now on," his voice hummed.

"We'll keep in touch Curtis," I assured him.

"Thanks. Talk to ya soon," he hung up.

Running - h.g [Chasing Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now