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"You got the keys?" Kaylin asked me as she secured her wig and her cap.

"Yeah," I said putting on my hoodie.

"Let's go," she said soundly.

We left the house, locking Zan inside and got into the car.

The drive was a silent one. I could read Kaylin. She was devastated. The death of her brother really seemed to hit her harder than I thought it would especially because they didn't get along too well. I guess that's the thing with siblings. You love 'em, even if you don't like 'em.

After some time we finally arrived at a warehouse.

Kaylin didn't wait for me to open her car door. She just got out and started walking towards the door. Her head down as she looked at her feet.

"Jamal," she sighed and gripped his hand, pulling him into what people would call a bro hug.

"Kay, how you doing?" he asked with eyes of sympathy. They did look a little lustful though, it made me uncomfortable.

"Not the greatest," she shook her head, "oh by the way this is Hayes."

"Wassup white boy," he nodded his head and I did the same. Was that all I was around here, a white boy?

"Come inside," Jamal directed as we followed him. He led us to a table with a body bag. Jamal began unzipping the bag.

"Wait," Kaylin stopped him and inhaled.

"Hey," I turned her around to face me, "you don't have to see if you're not ready."

"No," she sighed, "it's okay. I have to do this."

She turned around and nodded, signalling for Jamal to open the body bag. As the zip went down and we saw Kareem's body, Kaylin froze. As if the life had been drained from her eyes and the colour faded from her skin.

"He was shot. Whoever did it was slick. It doesn't look like he got into a fight before it happened so I got a feeling he was shot without knowing," Jamal commented.

"How long he been dead for?" Kaylin gulped.

"It seemed like a couple of hours, less than 24," Jamal explained eyeing Kaylin, "Kareem asked me earlier on to meet him here for a delivery he wanted me to tag along with. I was running a little late by an hour or two. When I got here I found him in the corner of the warehouse, buried under bags of sawdust and paint cans surrounding the bags. I guess it was to kill the smell."

"Can you bring the body by this afternoon. Kareem's mom been bugging me about it. She said she wants to have the funeral this weekend," Kaylin's voice had a ring of irritation to it.

"Sure sugar," he rubbed her shoulder and looked at me while doing so. This guy was cold.

"Thanks. Hayes and I gotta go but I'll see you at the funeral," she looked up at him and tried to walk away.

"Aye," he called after her, "where my hug at?"

"Dude," I interjected, "now's not the time."

"Oh you tryna get funny with me white boy?" Jamal smiled deviously.

"Jamal," Kaylin gave him eagle eyes, went to give him a pity hug and came back to my side, leading me to the car.

"I don't like him," I commented smugly as we got in.

"Hayes!" she snapped, "not now."

"Sorry babe," I held her hand and she wiggled it out of my grip.

"Are you okay?" I asked as she drove. I saw a tear fall down her face.

"I just don't know how many people have to die before my life becomes right and that scares me," she whispered and kept driving.

Running - h.g [Chasing Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now