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"Y'all making whoopy in there or what?" Kareem yelled through the door. Kaylin opened it and sat down in the singular couch chair.

"Kareem," she started as I sat down on the arm rest, "now I know that we have our unresolved issues but maybe we could help each other out."

"I don't need help from you," he interjected smugly.

"Oh but you do," she squinted, "it's gonna take every morsel in my body to keep the information that you were the reason why Dad's jewel deal fell threw in Rio because you decided to trick them with that coke deal and they found out you guys had some sort of connection to each other."

Kareem's face began to clamp up. She was good.

"What the hell do you want," his voice darkened.

"Help us get around this and my silence will be bought for life," she levelled with him.

"What's the situation? Dad didn't even gimme the low down," he sat back.

She sighed and began, "Hayes was about to get killed by this psycho who he slept with and ditched and I walked in at the right moment, I popped her with a lamp and she was out. I knew I couldn't stay in New York anymore because they were gonna find me and link me back to the crimes from Hawaii so I had to jet, like I did before."

"Now tell me something, why did she wanna kill homeboy over here?" He pointed at me. I felt my heartbeat increase. Kareem looked rugged. I didn't want to mess with him.

"Hayes was a slayer back in his day. He just came across one of the crazy ones," she answered.

"Oh so white boy was a slayer? Tell me something boy, you planning on skipping on my sister like you did other women?" his eyes focusing on my reaction. He suddenly stood up and took out a gun, pointing it directly at my face. This scenario was starting to become a bit too familiar.

"Kareem," Kaylin stood up and gritted through her teeth.

"Let him talk his shit," his grip tightening on the gun.

"Nah. Trust me man, I really love your sister. She made me change my ways. There's nothing in the world that would make me want to hurt her," I gulped.

"Alright," he huffed and put down his gun, "I may be a thug but I respect women and you should do the damn same."

"Yes sir," I nodded fast.

"Listen," he put his gun in his pants, "I gotta bounce but imma help y'all with ya problem okay. Y'all ain't got nothing to worry about."

His face hovered over mine, "unless you goin give me a problem?"

"Nah man we cool," I stared at him with eyes of bravery trying to mask my fear.

"Good," he moved away and closer to the door.

"Thanks Kareem," she smiled as he opened the door.

"No problem. And you better make sure Dad is safe in Colombia otherwise I'm coming to knock your teeth out," he grimaced and walked out.

"No matter what happens, he'll always be super overprotective of our dad," Kaylin shook her head with a smile.

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