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A few weeks went by, things were back to normal in the first few days after the whole patronus fiasco.

Eloise and James were closer than ever surprisingly even after what happened.

Eloise knows Lily and Marlene spoke, she knows something is happening with them two but she isn't going to try and get it out of them.

The weather was getting colder, grey clouds hung sadly above the school and the rain came down in droplets gently, making the raindrops race each other of the windows.

Eloise woke up one morning in the middle of October to yet another day of rain.

She got ready with her usual curled hair and put on her uniform.

James was the only one in the common room.

"Morning, Davies." James said with a smile.

"Morning, Potter." Eloise said reciprocating the smile.

The two chat for a little bit before deciding to go down to breakfast with Peter, Sirius and Mila. Eloise didn't quite know what was wrong with Remus but he seemed exhausted, like extremely ill.

James told her that he'd be missing class for a few days.

Breakfast wasn't the same without Remus, Sirius especially wasn't the same. You can tell they really cared for each other.

"Sirius I know you miss Rem but you need to eat." Mila tries to force him.

"Mila's right we've got 3 lessons before lunch together and I am not dealing with you in a mood because you're hangry." Eloise agreed.

Sirius laughed and picked up a piece of toast.

After breakfast they made their way over to transfiguration, Mcgonagall definitely had a soft spot for the group, she'd never really tell them off and when she did she'd always have a smirk on her face.

James excelled in transfiguration, Eloise wasn't incredible but she wasn't horrendous either.

It was lucky the two got paired again so James could teach her any spells she couldn't do.

"Today we will be learning the teacup to gerbil transfiguration, in a couple of weeks we will be learning human transfiguration so please prepare yourselves for that." Professor Mcgonagall said.

"Careful you don't permanently turn me into a teapot Davies." James whispered to Eloise.

"Fuck you Potter, for that I might just do that." Eloise said jokingly.

"Mr Potter, Miss Davies, something you'd like to share with all of us?" Mcgonagall questioned.

"Nah, Minnie you just carry on, Potter will shut up now." Eloise joked.

James side eyed her but not maliciously caused Eloise to giggle slightly.

It gave her butterflies and she didn't know why, it's the same conversations they've had for the past month and a half, why does she feel so different now.

After the class only James, Sirius and Eloise had the same class which meant the other two went their own ways.

Potions. Surprisingly one of Eloise's favourite lessons.

Slughorn sat everyone down, he didn't put them into pairs rather a 3, since Remus wasn't here for Sirius it was only fair they were a 3.

"Today we will be learning to make Felix Felicis, does anyone know what this is?" Slughorn asked.

Eloise's hand shot up.

"Miss Davies go ahead."

"Thank you Sir, felix felicis is also known as liquid luck, it makes the drinker lucky for a certain amount of time." Eloise answered.

"Excellent! Now please proceed to get your books out and begin making your potion!" Slughorn announced.

"Sirius, can you grab the ingredients? James can you get the equipment, I'll start reading." Eloise asked.

The boys didn't question it, potions was her thing so they'd follow what she said.

Once they'd finished it looked pretty much perfect, all three of them played equal parts meaning they would all get a good grade if this was to come up on the end of term exams.

"Well done you three, this is a perfect potion." Slughorn said proudly.

Eloise stood in the middle of the two boys and held both of her hands out for a high five.

James was in awe of how smart she was, the way she barely needed to read the page to know what went in the potion, the way she just knew what to do when it came to most lessons, the way she'd sit with him in every lesson and he could never get bored of her, her infatuating her eyes were, how truly beautiful she was.

Eloise knew her feelings for James weren't all platonic, there was something there she just couldn't tell what, he was unbelievably attractive, the way he would run his hand through his knotted, curly hair, his humour, everything was amazing but she thought he'd never feel the same.

So their very early feelings went unsaid, as if they didn't exist. But the two knew that they did exist, they just didn't know what to do about it.


I've got my last question on my history exam to do today and I want to cry.

How are you lot anyway?

Also 100 reads in like 4 days wtf thank you!

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