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September 1971

Eloise was a normal 11 year old half-blood witch coming from a somewhat wealthy family living in England. She'd known she was a witch since forever, her father went to Ilvermorny in America but moved over here when he met her muggle mother, she accepted the fact he was magic and was extremely intrigued by the thought of it.

The closest school to the family was Hogwarts but her father couldn't let go of the fact he always wanted his daughter to follow in his footsteps of going to Ilvermorny and becoming a healer, but she wanted the exact opposite.

Quite frankly she was nothing like her father or her mother for that matter, she was her own person. For that reason she decided when she went to Ilvermorny she would make it her goal to get kicked out.

Yes it's stupid she knew that but she wanted to make her own decisions in life, she never followed the rules that her parents set. She loved them with every bone in her body but she knew what they wanted for her is absolutely not what she wanted.

"El, i'm only going to say this once, no taking the piss over there, I absolutely do not expect owls to tell me that you're in a detention. I know it's not what you want but sweetheart, we know what's best for you, me and your mother know this is what you need." Her father told her.

"Dad, clearly you have no idea what I need, I don't want to be this far from you and mum, and I definitely don't want to go to that school, look I'll go but please write to me whenever you can, I don't want to feel alone."

And with that she was off, flying over to a school she had no business attending with absolutely no idea what to expect.

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