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A couple weeks had passed since the party and lessons had begun in full swing.

Eloise had always looked defence against the dark arts, there was something about it that appealed to her, she didn't know if it was fighting against dark forces or the spells she had to do but either way it was her favourite lesson.

Eloise also easily got E's and O's on her owls last year meaning any lesson she went to she excelled at, she was on the same level as Lily in most things.

She got really close with the boys but also the girls that she shared a dorm with.

She woke up on one Tuesday morning at the end of September to Marlene and Lily having deep philosophical chats as if they didn't sleep that night.

She didn't want to eavesdrop so she made herself clear that she was awake.

"Morning." She said tiredly.

"Sleep well El?" Lily asks. "Yeah, you?" Eloise asked knowing fine well the two girls didn't sleep.

"We couldn't sleep, we didn't wake you did we?" Marlene asks.

"No don't worry." Eloise replied.

The two girls carried on talking, it was around 6am when she woke up meaning she had time to get ready.

She couldn't put her usual clothes on since she had lessons that day so she just put butterfly clips in her hair to try and spice it up.

Once she was ready she walked out of the common room and walked down to the hall.

Only James and Remus were there.

The others must still be asleep. Eloise took her usual seat next to James.

"Morning Davies." The boys chorused.

"Morning, what do we have first today?" Eloise asked.

"Charms, heard we are doing the patronus charm today." James replies.

"We learnt it in Ilvermorny last year but i couldn't do it." Eloise says.

"I mean my animagus form is a stag so i'm assuming that's my patronus." James says.

"I learnt how to do it a while ago, mines a wolf, quite cool to be honest." Remus says but he doesn't sound convincing.

Mila, Sirius and Peter walk in soon after.

They all had next lesson together sharing it with the hufflepuffs.

Soon after they made their way to the classroom.

Lily, Marlene and Alice were already there, the tables were moved to the sides to make way for the spells about to take place.

"Settle down class, today we will be learning the patronus charm, does anyone know how it works?"

Both Eloise and Lily raised our hands.

They both giggled and Eloise let her answer.

"The spell expecto patronum is to produce an animal who will act as a guard or protector against dark forces, it can also act as a messenger for other wizards. It will take form as a silvery-white animal but it can not be produced until the spell has been done properly." Lily explained.

"Excellent Miss Evans, now i'll be putting you into random partners today, Mr Potter and Mr Black you will be on opposite ends of the classroom."

Remus got paired with Sirius, Lily with Marlene, Mila with Peter, Frank with Alice and finally Eloise and James.

It didn't take long for James to produce his patronus, a stag ran around the room sensing no danger meaning it came straight back nuzzling against James' waist.

"That was fucking cool Prongs." Sirius shouted from across the room. The professor didn't hear though.

"Right my go, happiest memory then boom it'll just happen right?" Eloise asked anxiously.

"Davies, breathe you can do this." James said reassuringly.

Eloise thought about the time she went surfing with he friends from Ilvermorny, nothing happened.

She thought about the time her and her mum went on a late night walk to the river and blasted Bohemian Rhapsody and sang at the top of their lungs. Nothing.

"Look I don't think it's going to work." Eloise said.

"One more go, here hold it like this." James held his hand over hers sending shivers up her spine.

"Expecto Patronum!" Eloise thought about her first night in the castle, the way her and James talked for hours, the way she danced to queen and elton john as if there was no one there.

And then she saw it.

A silver patronus came out of her wand, everyone stopped to look, a doe.

"Holy shit." Remus said quietly.

"Does that mean-" Peter asked.

"Yep, yes it does wormtail." Sirius said in the most shocked tone.

James and Eloise looked at each other in pure shock, in fact everyone looked at them, it was unbelievable.

They both left the classroom without saying a word, they couldn't ignore it forever but they could for the day.


Surprise! but not really because it was bound to happen.

If Eloise is a doe then what is Lily's?

You find out next chapter obviously i'm not that much of a bitch.

I have a history exam today and i've genuinely forgot how to answer my 16 mark question oops.

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