✖️dan 1.1✖️

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{ Song's for the chapter;
- Golden Touch by Razorlight
- Weekend Wars by MGMT
- Worry by Jack Garratt
- Everybody Wants Me by The Pigeon Detectives }

Dan stood with Corey outside the tall collage fences, a splif hanging from his lip's.
"Shit." Corey looked at him frowning, and hugging his black hoodie close to his chest, attempting to block out te cold air.
"I don't have a fucking pen." Dan frowned as his stupidity. First day of collage, and he forgot his pen. Corey just laughed and began to walk around the fence. Dan maintained his frown and followed Corey.
The two boy's followed each other, and eventually found there way to the supposed common room. Dan noticed the group and went over to join then on the blue/green sofa. Corey sat over with Sky and engrossed himself in a convosation with her and Jema and Coner. Dan sat on Lily's lap and smiled at her.
"Hello Daniel. Haven't seen you in a whole 6 Hours. Remember? You said you would drink, and well you did, didn't you." She smirked at him. Dan and Lily got on well, she made him feel less nervous.
"Fuck off, you all pear pressured me, i just didn't want to be left out..." He grinned at her, and stretched his feet out along Matty. Matty took no notice as Dan had suspected. Way to interested in what Ella was talking about. Quietly talking about.
Minutes later a tall slim man, in a tight fitting all black suit strode into the centre if the room.
"All new comers, made your way to the gym now please, quick as you can." he announced in a deep, bold voice. The room erupted in groans and sighs, as groups made there way round the hall ways.
The gathering was boring and Dan spent the best part of it flicking Coner's ear and looking out for hot girl's.
Dan was in a state of daydreams when a high pitched whistle blew. He nearly jumped onto the person next to him.
"Fuck me, chill out, love" said a familiar voice from the left of the room. Cold air rushed in from the open door and in strode Jimi. People sniggered and laughed at his remark, why the big lady at the front had a deep scowl being sent in Jimi's direction.
"You shouldn't scowl like that miss, you'll get wrinkles." He remarked smirking to him self. She simply toon a big sigh and relaxed her shoulders.
"Look, none of you have listened to what i've been saying the last 20 minutes, fair enough, what ever, but just listen to this. We have rules and they are as follows. 1) Hand corse work in on time. Three strikes and you're off the corse. 2) Smoking and drinking are off limits, if you're found with substances on you, you're out. 3) Don't be ungrateful little shit's. We are here to help you, if you through it back in our faces, we simply wont help you anymore, you will struggle and we will have to kick you off the corse. Three simple rules, follow them and we'll get along just fine. Now all of you piss off." and with that she left. Everyone sat still, waiting for the next direction. Dan stood up and tapped Coner's shoulder, him being closest,
"join me for a fag." Coner followed along with a few other people who decided they didn't want to sit around.

Their final bell rung at exactly 3;57pm. Dan had been watching the clock. HIs first day hadn't been a breeze like he expected it to be. It put into perspective how difficult it was going to be to keep up. But he still wanted to try. Dan walked the short way home, it took roughly 20 minutes. When he got into his house, he went straight for the stairs trying to avoid his dad. Half way up, dan dropped his iPod, alerting his dad he was in.
"Dan you fucking idiot, what are you doing?" his dad raised his voice aggressively, yet he looked so casual on the sofa reading the paper.
"Sorry dad, dropped my Ipod." Dan lightly called back.
"Dan if you've got your shoe's on the carpet, i swear to fucking god, I'll pull them from your feet and bin then!" The sound of his heavy foot step's could be heard, causing Dan to panic, but he was to late.
"For fuck sake! What's wrong with you? Do you pay to get te stains out of the carpet? You fucking should you useless twat, you're the one who fucking puts then there!" His dad raged, he pushed Dan down onto his back, and took his shoe's from his feet. Dan followed his dad closely to the kitchen, were he threw his blacks vans, which he brought with his own money, into the bin. He then emptied the leftovers of last nights strew into the bin.
"What the hell dad? They were basically new shoe's!" Dan cried, throwing his hands up, he felt rage and frustration. Dan father spun around quickly, making Dan flinch. Though he was almost certain his dad would never hit him, his shouting often worried him a little.
"Ungrateful shite! Get out!" He really shouted, pushing dan out the kitchen and towards the door way. He managed to grasp his tatty old vans and his bag, before he was shoved out the door.
"Fuck off until you relies you're an ungrateful brat!" And with that the door was slammed.
Dan sighed. This wasn't unusual behaviour from his father, Dan figured he was still bitter from when mum left him 4 years back, or from when we were burgled 3 years back, or maybe when he lost his jobs 2 years ago, or perhaps he still isn't over Francis, his girl friend that left him last year and stole a load of his money. But Dan was running out of exscuse a for his father, and was beginning to recent him more and more everyday, it wasn't his fault he was a useless prick. who was ungrateful, and a gobshite. Or maybe it was his fault and that why his father hated him. But his father was never particularly soft on him, his earliest memory of his father was him when Dan was about 4 and he had a bit of a lisp, his dad had said to him, 'Listen Dan, i cant listen to you talking like that anymore, either stop talking, or learn to speak correctly.' Dad remembered it clearly. He had been trying to impress his dad with his ABC's and number's.
Dad pulled on his shoe's and sighed again, lighting a cigarette, making his way the the abandoned. Abandoned was a the groups hang out. Their get away. They'd been lucky finding it. It was a small barn on an open field, the guy that ow it said he doesn't use it and as long as they don't disturb the cow's, and don't make to much noise, they could have it. They'd been using it since they were about 15, as the group got bigger, the barn was field with more memories. It was Corey, Sky and Jimi that found it.
Dan entered the barn, and wasn't surprised to find someone else already here. what he was surprised about, was that is was Ella. Dan was aware Ella was nervous around people, so Dan settled down and got comfy before he spoke to her.
"Ella fella. What are you doing here?" he smiled at her, then looked down setting up his phone to the small speaker. A soft tune began to play in the background.
"Dan man. I forgot my key's and my parents don't get back till late." she smiled at him and she spoke quietly.
Dan chuckled,
"Fair enough. Song request?" He asked, hoping she'd say no. She shook her head no, and Dan nodded.
He always thought Ella was beautiful, and he thought it was cute that she was quiet. But when you got her to talk, she was kind and giggly and funny. But he'd never go there, he had way to much respect for Matty's. And not just that, Dan hated that people would claim to be in love but later claim that their partner wasn't enough. He couldn't understand it.
"So, how was your first day at collage?" He tried to engage more convosation,
"Good, thank you." She paused, "It's nice to get the easy stuff out the way."
Dan's stomach dropped alittle. Easy? Oh. His head began to swirl. He was struggling already and this was the easy stuff. 'Maybe,' he thought, 'i should just drop out now.' Dan's stomach dropped a bit more.
Dan and Ella chatted for a while longer about there classes and what people they'd spoken to, or in there cases, noticed. Not spoke too.
Buzzing of phones went off, interrupting there laughing and giggling. They both checked their phones, it was from the group chat.

Jema; Lets meet at the abandoned, celebrate our first day of collage with some drink and dancing?(:

Dan looked up at Ella to see a frown sitting on her brow.
"Are you not up for it, because i can walk you home or something?" Dan asked, also noticing her tired eyes. Though his proberly looked similar.
"No no, it's fine." Ella replied quickly, but it was more of a mutter. Dan brushed it off and texted back, mentioning him and Ella were already here. And ready for a little party.

{ a.n so that's the first proper chapter, enjoy, feed back is alway's nice, and don't hate in my grammar. May i just say, they song's are pretty irrelevant, i just shuffled my music, so let me know if you like that or not. }

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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