✖️introduction 0.4✖️

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Sky didn't care about much. She was just one of those girl's. And it wasn't an act either. She'd questioned it herself, 'why is it that i just couldn't give a fucking fuck about anything? Is there something wrong? Am i missing something?' But she didn't dwell on it too long, because well, she didn't care. She was a cool girl. She never got overly excited about things, she was never awfully surprised by things. There was only a few things she showed proper emotion for: People who treat other people like shit and people who tried to be clique with her. Sky hated how some people thought they were above other's because they had more money, or because they were more popular or pretty then someone else. And it angered Sky how people thought getting to know someones secrete and habits meant they could trust each other and fall in love or some shit like that. No she would tell her self. Love isn't real, trust isn't kept, none of it is worth pain.
Sky was often seen with Corey. Sky had known him the longest in her life. They didn't label them selves as best friends. They didn't label them selves as anything. Corey always thought of her as a big sister, who he never had deep convocation with or anything but if it came to it, he'd do anything for her because he love's her to bits and she is apart of him. Sky liked to have Corey near just because she knew was familiar with him. It just felt right to have him around. And that was it.
This year Sky was starting collage with about 3-4 hundred other tossers. Sky was naturally intelligent, she didn't try particularly hard, she did minimal work and still passed all her exams with an above average grade. It just came naturally to her. Sky never questioned were the brains came from, god know's it wasn't her parents. Corey often got jelouse of Sky, because he, along with almost everyone else had to work damn hard or their results. But Sky didn't really give for what other thought. But that's Sky, she doesn't care about anything.

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