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"Caius! Caius give it back!"

"Take it from me." He grinned.

"You know I can't!" I growled at him. He'd been laughing at my whines for a while now. Marcus had moved the tv yesterday so that it was next to my bed, after I had gotten out of said bed to watch it on the sofa. Now Caius had taken the remote from me because I wasn't paying attention to him.

"It's not that hard piccola." He waved the remote side to side.

"You know I'm not allowed to get up. What will it take for you to give it back?" I frowned, pointing at the device in his hand.

"Give me your attention." He raised an eyebrow waiting for me to reply.

"Okay fine. It's all yours." His lips twitched up happily tossing me the remote and whizzing to lay down next to me. He pulled my body flush against his, nuzzling his face into my neck comfortably. "Caius." I whined into my mates chest, I'd been wanting to watch the next episode of a stupid Italian reality show. I didn't actually understand what they were saying but I loved it none the less. But no Caius just wanted all my attention on him.

"Don't move." He grumbled, rubbing his nose against my throat and inhaling.

"I want to watch tv. Can't we cuddle, while we watch together?" I asked, trying to make my voice be as sweet as possible. He groaned but moved us fast into a position where I lay on top of his body, back against his chest.

"This is quite comfortable." He noted, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me tighter.

"I'm glad you're comfortable." I giggled.

"Are you not?" Worry laced his tone.

"I most certainly am." He chuckled at this, trailing kisses along my shoulder and reaching to hold my injured hand.

"Ti amo piccola." He whispered gently.

"What does that mean?" I asked stretching my neck out so he could have more room to kiss.

"It means—"

"Master!" A lower guard burst into the room. Caius was up in 0.2 seconds, a deep snarl releasing from his chest as he grabbed the guard by the throat and hoisted him off the ground.

"This better be life or death." He growled.

"Aro ordered me to inform you it's time for the Queen to take her medication." The man choked out struggling to talk.

"You'll do well do stay on the other side of the door when informing me in the future." Caius snarled. I had come to terms with the fact that I couldn't get Caius to stop being aggressive when someone had interrupted a moment between us. But I could still distract him.

"Caius, baby." He whipped around, his face covered in happiness.

"Baby?" He raised an eyebrow, almost trying to hide how happy he was.

"A term of endearment in the twenty first century, grandpa." I grinned as he dropped the guard who bolted out the door.


"Yes as in, an old man." I winked.

"You should think about being nicer to me." He slowly stalked towards me.

"Oh? And why's that?" My head tilted to the side in a questioning manner.

"I'm over three thousand years old. I'm a blood sucking vampire with super strength and speed." I shrugged.

"And I'm a hormonal twenty one year old woman. I think we both know who can cause more damage." I giggled.

"You cheeky minx." He growled pouncing on me attacking me with tickles.

"Stop!" I screamed out.

"Caius when you're done torturing our mate, she has to take her medicine." Aro's voice filled the room.

"Aro help!" In a flash, Caius was on the floor and Aro had me in his arms protectively. "My hero." I kissed his cheek while he grinned triumphantly at Caius.

"Brothers enough, here you go Tesoro." Marcus had a glass of water in his hand, Aro placed me down on the bed and began threading his fingers through my hair.

"Thank you honey." I smiled at my brunette mate who passed me two pills. The hospital prescribed medication for me to take after my concussion, it was so dry and chalky. Disgusting.

"You're welcome Tesoro." Caius wizzed towards the sofa while my darker haired mates watched me take the medication. My face scrunched up with distaste. Fucking gross. My mates had began to talk amongst themselves in what I presumed was Italian. Speaking of which,

"Ti amo." All three of their heads snapped in my direction.

"What did you say?" Marcus seemed flabbergasted.

"What does Ti amo mean?" They seemed a little disappointed for a moment. All three of their faces dropped.

"It means I love you." Marcus' gaze latched onto mine. His voice changed, like he had put so much effort into the explanation.

"Oh." I pondered for a moment. Caius told me he loved me. Do I love him back? Do I love any of them?

"What are you thinking bellissima?" Aro asked, his hands twitching to touch mine.

"I used to know what love felt like. Then I didn't. And now, it's like I learnt all over again. I was scared to open up at first, but," I breathed in deep looking up at each of them, they were hanging on every word.
"Ti amo."

"Oh Tesoro, Ti amo." Marcus was the first to appear by my side taking full advantage by kissing me. His lips moulding with mine, pulling a small moan from me.

"My turn." Caius' hand on my jaw lead my mouth to his. He was all tongue and teeth, always a passionate kisser. Maybe a little rough. "Ti amo Carissima."

"I hate to be last." Aro growled pulling my body against his. Lips skimming over mine teasingly, "Ti amo mi amore." He whispered softly, it made me breathless. His lips barely touching mine, after what felt like an eternity I kissed him hard.

"Teasing isn't fun." He laughed at my pout.

"Not for the person being teased, no." Marcus chuckled.

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