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This was it, I was going to tell him. I made the decision to share with Aro my thoughts, feelings, everything. How the fuck do I do this? Is there a manual? I couldn't help but think back to my conversation earlier in the day.

"So you've kissed both Master Caius and Master Marcus?" Chelsea asked practically squealing that I had shared intimate moments with my mates.

"Yeah." I grinned widely thinking about how much closer I'd become with them.

"What about Master Aro?" Heidi interrupted my thought.

"I want to be close with him but I'm scared. I'm afraid once I show him everything he'll look at me different, like I'm a broken little girl." I huffed, annoyed I was letting my fears get the best of me again.

"Have you told him that?" Chelsea asked—-

At the advise of my friends I was now sitting here next to my black haired mate, who was eager to listen to whatever I had to say. I didn't even know where to start. Do I talk about it first or just grab his hands? I opened my mouth to speak when I realised I really didn't know how to tell him.

"I want to," I took a deep breath glancing at his confused expression. Screw it. Leaning forward I pressed my forehead against his, closing my eyes. He inhaled sharply staying there for what felt like hours, in actual fact it was a minute.

"Oh Thea—" before I could listen to the plethora of  sympathy that was about to pour from him I did the only thing I could think of, rushing to lean forward and kiss him. He was startled to say the least, but when my hand leaned up to give his tie a gentle yank he relaxed into it. I didn't pull away as I fiddled around to pull off his leather gloves. Weaving my fingers with his, our palms pressing together.

I loved how cold he felt. How they all felt, I'd never thought I'd experience so much comfort from their freezing skin. Aro released one of my hands, tugging me closer to him almost in his lap. He kept the arm secured around me, giving my side a slight squeeze. Gasping into his mouth, I figured out his plan when he pressed closer to devour me more. All of his scenes invading mine.

He tasted like rich, expensive, red wine. Smelt like the flowers from the garden. I could hear him let out a quiet groan, sounding as though he was restraining himself. Pulling away to look at him, his eyes were wide, he had almost an insane look about him but the smile he had, showed how happy he was.

"Please don't look at me differently." I asked seriously, although when I heard myself, I sounded like a scared little girl. He frowned, "I don't want you to see me in a different light now you know everything that happened in my life."

"I give you my word that I won't." He promised cupping the back of my head, bringing it to his lips. I couldn't help the sigh that escaped me when he kissed my forehead. It was—-

"Master, something arrived for you." Much to my distain, Aro pulled away. He seemed as annoyed as I felt.

"What is it?" Alec came in, offering me a small smile before handing the fancy envelope to Aro.

"Thankyou Alec." Aro's voice was almost father like as he dismissed the brunette.

"It's an invitation." My black haired mate said almost surprised. "Ah to Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan's wedding." He confirmed while reading it then asking one of the guards outside to fetch his brothers.

"Isabella, isn't that the girl whose still human?" I asked, his eyes snapped to mine just as he nodded his head.

"Carissima." The whisper from my blonde haired mate, who had whooshed inside the room, scared the living daylights out of me.

"Oh my god! Don't do that!" I shoved him, though it didn't affect him.

"Brother don't torture our sweet mate." Aro chuckled sitting down at his desk.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Caius' eyes didn't leave mine, in that moment he reminded me of a predator ready to pounce on his prey.

"Tesoro." I gazed passed Caius, straight towards my saviour. He came to the other side of me, sitting down and pressing a kiss to my temple.

"Why are we here brother?" Marcus asked, pushing a stray hair behind my ear.

"We've been invited to a wedding. Isabella Marie Swan and Edward Anthony Mason Cullen to be exact." Aro read over the card in his hand. Making my way over to his desk, the king glanced up at me.

"It's pretty." I mumbled holding the invitation in my hand, inspecting it.

"Would you like to attend?" He asked softly reaching out for my hand, I let him have it. "You would."

"It could be fun." I shrugged sheepishly.

"Whatever you wish Tesoro, we'll do it." Marcus' voice from behind me startled me slightly but feeling his hard chest pressed against my back relaxed my tense body instantly.

"Let's go."

And so a few days later it was two nights before we were leaving and I hadn't even packed yet. My mates surrounded me as a lay in bed feeling drowsy from lack of sleep.

"Jane and Alec went ahead to make sure that everything was ready for us when we arrive." Marcus muttered, his fingers playing with my hair gently.

"Okay." My words slurring slightly.

"Go to sleep amore." Aro's cold lips pressed against my cheek, and I did.

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