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"Rise and shine T!" I groaned at the loud voice. Heidi and Chelsea had taken it upon themselves to burst into my room and wake me for the long journey ahead. "Get up you lazy thing."

"You know if the kings heard you talking to her like that. You'd be dead." Heidi shook her head. I'd grown so close with these two over the past few months, they were like the sisters I never had.

"Not if I get her first!" I picked up my pillow and hit Chelsea with it.

"Why are you yelling!" She shouted picking up my other pillow and hitting me too.

"Why are you yelling?!" I shouted grabbing hers and essentially beating her up with them.

"Stop it! Both of you are acting like children." Heidi rolled her eyes stepping forward. "Chelsea go and get a suitcase and start packing. You," she pointed my way, "go shower and we'll have your flight appropriate clothes ready when you're done."

"Yes Ma'am." I saluted her.

I made my way into the bathroom, letting the hot water from the shower flow over my skin. It relaxed me so much, making me realise that I was actually tense about something. I didn't even know I needed to relax.

I stepped out of the shower and walked over to the mirror. Going to this wedding had me thinking about my future. Maybe that's what I was a little stressed about. Would I be getting married? How would that even work? Would I marry all three of them separately? Or all together? Or would we even be getting married at all?

"Hurry up in there your majesty!" Chelsea banged on the door startling me out of my thoughts.

"Shut up and pack woman!" Heidi tutted making me laugh.

I dressed quickly into sweats, realising this would be the first time I'd be wearing sweatpants in front of the Kings. Chelsea dried my hair while I was basically falling asleep, Heidi pushed my slippers on my feet.

"Come on, wakey wakey." She shook me gently. I was ready to threaten her for keeping me awake, when Chelsea hugged me tightly.

"I'm going to miss you so much." She exaggerated.

"I'll miss you too." I laughed getting up from the seat and grabbing the handle of the suitcase. The girls opened the bedroom doors for me, "0h wait." I turned plucking one of the pillows from my bed and carrying it with me through the castle all the way to the main doors.

"Hi." I greeted my three mates. The elite guard waiting behind them. Minus Jane and Alec.

"Good morning Tesoro." Marcus smiled, pecking my temple. But I wanted more than a peck. Grabbing his tie, I pulled him in bringing his lips to mine.

"I see who's the favourite." Caius grumbled in jealousy.

"Don't pout, it doesn't suit you." I leaned up and pecked Caius on the cheek. When I looked back up I noticed all the guards were looking away.

"The car is here. Masters. Mistress." Demetri bowed and left with the rest of the elite guard. Marcus and Caius trailed after them leaving Aro and I alone together.

"Il mio amore." He smiled sweetly taking me into his arms. Pressing his lips to mine,

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pushing myself upwards trying to get some kind of dominance over the kiss. He growled deep within his chest using his super speed to whoosh us backwards, my back hitting the wall pulling a whimper from me. He moved back hesitantly at the sound.

"I'm okay." I bit my lip, trying to control the huge smile threatening to break out. He nodded. "We need to go."

"Oh of course bellissima." He pecked my temple lightly.

"You're stealing pillows now?" Caius smirked as I got into the car.

"It smells like home." I shrugged not noticing the beaming expressions on the King's faces. Felix looked my way through the rear view mirror.

"Everyone's ready Fe." I smiled at him to which he nodded. Felix started the engine, Demetri sitting next to him while he pulled away from the castle.

"You seem to have gotten close with the guard Tesoro" Marcus noted with a happy tone.

"They're fun." I giggled thinking of my pillow fight this morning.

"I'm not sure I approve." Aro frowned, I noticed he was holding my hand.

"Well I do. I like them." I smiled happily.

After twenty minutes we arrived at the tarmac, their jet ready to go. Felix and Demetri grabbed the bags while everyone else entered the jet. Caius staying closer to me than usual, it didn't occur to me that he was planning on giving me a jump scare until he gripped my sides making me jolt.

"Don't do that you ninny!" I yelled scrunching up my nose. He chuckled at me.

"I don't think in all the years of my life, I've ever been referred to as a 'ninny'." He smirked.

"Maybe that's because no one's had the guts to call you it until now." I raised my eyebrows at him. The pilot then asked people to take their seats. The jet was rather big, a small table with two sets of comfy chairs either side by the cockpit and another by the end. In between there was a series of chairs lining the sides of the jet.

I sat next to Marcus who sat next to me on the table near the end of the plane. Caius and Aro across from us. I watched out the window as the plane took off, rising higher and higher into the clouds. I snuggled against my pillow wanting to desperately fall asleep, I'd already missed two hours of my morning lay in and there was no way I wasn't missing any more. Getting up at five am was bad enough.

"If you wish to sleep Tesoro, there's a bed." Marcus noted taking in my sleepy form.

"Now you tell me. Lead the way kind sir." He let out a laugh as he got up and moved out the way, guiding me through the door at the end of the jet which let to a bedroom. The king sized bed was laced with a puffy duvet and comfy looking pillows. A door that was open leading to a small bathroom, even a shower inside. Damn. I got into the bed and cuddled up to the pillow from home.

"Marcus? Will you stay with me?" His face softened as he nodded.

"Of course I will." He answered, removing his suit jacket and shoes before holding my body close to his, my back against his chest. I fell asleep easily. Before I knew it Marcus was waking me up and telling me I'd been asleep the whole flight.

"Good afternoon sleeping beauty." Caius greeted me as I sat back down in my chair. My stomach growled loudly.

"We'll get you some food when we land." Aro told me, not looking up from the iPad in his hand. Figuring he was looking through emails, since that's pretty much the only time he uses technology.

"Yes we must get some food into that stomach of yours." Caius agreed. I hummed in return not paying attention while my eyes fluttered close. So tired.

"Athena." He grumbled, again I hummed in return.

"You're rude." His eyes were squinted, his usual smirk gracing his flawless, pale face. I opened my eyes leaning forward.

"And you're hair is messy." I smirked when his face fell, looking over at Marcus triumphantly, "I hit him where it hurts." The brunette shook his head with a grin.

This is gunna be fun.

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