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The flight back was long but I spent the majority of it playing cards with Demetri so the time flew. I didn't want to sleep when I got back, being in that place, my old apartment it made me feel scared again. Even while I was unpacking, all the memories I wanted to forget kept seeping in.

"What were those files?" Aro brought me out of my inner thoughts. He was the only one, other than me, in the room.

"I looked into my parents death." I sighed, my shoulders slumping, "but I never found anything."

"Il mio amore," I looked up at him from where I sat on the floor opening one of my suitcases, "would you like me to look into it?" He tilted his head slightly as if trying to figure out what I was thinking.

"No." I could practically see the processing on his face and before he even asked why... "I promised myself that after I got back from my holiday, that I'd stop looking. It was taking over my life." I explained, pulling out my folded clothes.

"I understand. I won't bring it up again." He took the clothes from me and put them in the closet. I was too busy overthinking, I didn't hear Marcus come in and Aro leave.

"Can I ask something?" I turned to Marcus, slightly surprised he was there instead of my black haired mate.  Nevertheless I stood and walked closer to him. An inquisitive look adoring his features.

"Of course Tesoro." He replied eagerly curious to help his mate.

"Why were your eyes black before?" He paused for a moment. Maybe it's something he doesn't want to share?

"Hunger and lust." He answered bluntly.

"What?" I choked on air. Did I hear him right?

"There are only two reasons as to why a vampire's eyes turn black. Hunger or lust." His voice seemed stiff.

"And which one was it?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Think about what happened dolcezza." He cupped my cheek gently, his ice cold skin didn't bother me one bit.

Truth be told, it was actually quite comforting. Maybe that was just Marcus, he comforted me more than any of them. Caius was nice but was slightly aggressive, though that was just his personality. Aro was sweet, but the fear of him touching my skin had me on edge when he was around. However Marcus, he was caring and had an aura of sweetness to him. Every time he smiled at me, I felt so blessed.


"Yes Jane?" Marcus didn't look her way or move his hand off of my cheek. The intensity of his gaze had my pulse quickening. I wasn't scared of his red eyes, I had come to love the bright red colour of all my mates' eyes.

"You're needed in the throne room." She replied.

"Of course. Help your Queen with unpacking her things." He ordered, stepping forward and kissing my forehead. I longed to feel his lips on mine.

Soon enough everything was unpacked and I was exhausted. Jane hardly spoke a word while we worked so I was especially bored throughout. She had been called away about twenty minutes ago. My mates had disappeared and in my boredom I was determined to find out where.

"Where are you going?" I looked towards Jane, who lead the group of elite guards. They were waiting for the elevator.

"To Forks my Queen. There's an issue that we've been asked to take care of." She stated firmly.

"An issue?" I questioned looking at the rest of the guards, but they looked away. Weird.

"It's best to ask the Kings. We must be off my Queen." Jane tried to smile sweetly but it just seemed sinister coming from her. I watched them leave making my way toward Aro's office and straight inside.

"What's going on?" I asked watching as they stopped discussed something with each other.

"What do you mean Tesoro?" Marcus came over kissing my temple. He's gotta stop doing that or I might melt.

"Where are Jane and the elite guard going?" I asked looking at Aro while Marcus gestured to sit with him on one of the sofas.

"Do you remember what I told you about our laws?" Aro asked.

"Yeah." I sat criss cross next to Marcus while he read. His arm slipping around my waist, tugging me closer to him.

"Someone has been changing a lot of people into vampires. It threatens the knowledge of our existence. The elite guard has been sent to monitor the situation." Aro explained, to which I nodded.

"Have you had dinner Carissima?" Caius asked, I shook my head no. He sighed dramatically, standing up and holding his hand out to me.

"Come on human." He smirked.

"Why thank you vampire." I smirked back. All three of them let out a small laugh as I took my blonde mate's hand and walked out of the office. Straight towards the kitchen.

"So if the situation gets really bad, will you have to go too?" He squeezed my hand slightly as a comfort.

"Don't worry about that," he pulled you close as you both entered the kitchen, "the only thing you need to worry about is having dinner then resting." His lips turned up into a small smile, red eyes gazing into mine making goosebumps rise on my body.

"Adorabile umano!"

"Stefano. Are you ever going to tell me what that means?" I smiled at the chef. His moustache reminded me of the monopoly man, his red eyes didn't faze me due to his happy personality. He had spent the majority of his immortal life cooking. Finding new recipes and combinations of flavours. It was his passion.

"No no no, where's the fun in that!" His Italian accent was strong when he spoke.

"Caius." I whined, pulling on his hand a little. He smirked down at me and I knew he wasn't going to be my informent. "Mean." Both men chuckled at my grumble.

"What can I make you today young one?" The chef grinned. Caius and I took a seat at the kitchen counter island, his hand coming to rest at the small of my back.

"Hmm, surprise me."

Caius was so intrigued while Stefano was cooking, and while I was eating. It was like he had never seen a human before. He practically jumped out of his skin when I started choking on the pasta Stefano made me. He like panicked, panicked.

"Truth be told, this is new to me. I've never interacted with humans for this long." He had admitted, it reminded me of a scared child. I did my best to smile softly at the ancient vampire.

"This is new to me too, I had never even been in the same room with a vampire before I met you three." I told him hoping it would bring him some comfort that I understood where his head was at.

"Good! We do everything to make sure humans never even think about vampires being real." He almost growled, his voice coming out harsh when he said humans. Covering up his softness. I'll have to change that.

"Well, it must be nice to know your hard work is paying off."

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