Green Streak

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Green Streak

They are about 10 at the time. And I'm not very good at writing narratives like this oof... So don't judge. Read this cringe if you want to.

Morro picked up a sachet he found on the floor. "Mom... Mom... MOM, Look. What's this?" A little Morro asked his mother. However, she was too busy picking out clothes. Sighing he thought of another idea.

It was time to ask his best friend at the time... who also happened to be his twin sister.

"Aria... Aria come here. What's this?" She was bored. Aria never liked shopping, so when her brother called her, she was only too happy to answer his question, well... try to answer it.

"Um... I think I've seen it before? I don't know :<" Aria said sadly. But then an idea struck her. "Morro, let's take it home. Come onnn it will be fun! Quick, put it in your pocket. (Evil lil' Aria)"


Home alone the next day.

"Hey Morro, do you still have the pack of... you know from the store," Aria asked.

Of course Morro had it, he hadn't known what to do with it now that it was in his possession.

Aria pulled him into the bathroom. She was excited to see what the sachet contained. She started reading the instructions aloud.

To Use Mystake's Special Magic Hair Dye,

Wet your hair and let it sit for some time.

Then apply a small amount of the dye to the hair.

After about 5 minutes wash your hair with shampoo and dry.

You will now have the perfect shade of green hair!

It works for all shades of hair, even black!

Morro seemed excited.  I've always wanted green hair. Can we try it on me?" He asked persuasively. Well as much as a 9-year-old could be...

She nodded and they got started. After they finished making a thin line of magicked line of green hair on Morro, they looked in the mirror and marveled at their work(sloppy but nonetheless).

But soon Aria's expression turned panicked when she set eyes on the final line of text on the sachet.

All hair coloring is permanent.

That one line is all it took for them to pace around the house wondering how to tell their parents that their 9-year-old child had dyed his hair. Permanently.

Needless to say, they got grounded for 2 months.

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