Cameron :3

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- She and Cameron are like best friends and they meet in the orphanage. Cameron was one of the only people who understood her

- He is the first person to know about her wind powers(After her mom and dad)

- They have a strong relationship and get very overprotective over each other at times.

- Also, ABSOLUTELY NO ROMANCE... He be gay honey :>

- Cute Nicknames:

                    Aria calls him 'Cam' and 'Freckles'

                    Cam sometimes calls her 'Ari' and 'Windy'

- Before meeting Ronin(but after running away), she goes to say goodbye to her best friend Cameron. While there she finds that he was planning to run away as well. They run away together. They end up living in random places. Since they're about 13-14 they get a job at a coffee shop(the one across Steeper Sensei finally finds out about Aria's powers and of her ancestry with Morro).

- The ninja are fighting with something(not figured out what bad guy since the ages are all confusing) and Cameron gets stuck under some rubble. Aria tries to get him out but she can't. He goes unconscious and she thinks he's dead.

- Her powers go out of control and she goes crazy. Before that, she admired the ninja, but now she has mixed feelings about them. She eventually calms down and goes into hiding. But Cameron will remain that best friend she never forgot.

- She meets Ronin... the rest is in these headcanons or on the Ronin chappie. Every year, she goes to the candy store she visited when she lost him and buys his favorite candy. What she does with it, no one knows.

- While Possessed is happening, she goes to the store while Morro is still with her. (Like he either possesses her and is dormant or just is around her and follows her). He notices her crying and somehow finds him for her. IDK it needs work. They see each other from across the street, cuz Morro made her go to the place where he lives with a foster family. YAY.

- Teary reunions...all that shit. He finds out that she is part of the ninja. He meets them. Uncovers some embarrassing stuff(her fangirling over them when she was 13... all the good stuff... and some other things), finds out about Ronin.

- OMG so I have this headcanon thing where Ronin get jealous of their relationship(cuz they are really close and touchy at times). So I'm thinking they are at like Doomsday Comix all together and she hugs Cam and is kinda touchy. And Ronin is just standing there staring at them and grumping. He secretly thinks he looks kinda cute but doesn't think much on it. Aria soon takes notice and starts teasing him like "Awwwww are you jealous..." and he just grumps. She starts laughing like crazy and Ronin is like guuuurl wtf. She tries to compose herself but fails miserably. She tells him that Cam is gay while laughing so hard with Cam it's honestly cute. (BTW Cam is openly gay but doesn't go around announcing it to everyone) RONIN'S FACE WOULD BE PRICELESS. ESP SINCE HE KINDA THOUGHT CAM WAS CUTE... AND THAT CAM LIKES DUDES. Aria's inner monologue after that is like "Why would they be so cute together...WAIT... Stop thinking that, he's your boyfriend!"  Ooooooof this was so chaotic...

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