Ronin <3

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Ronin <3:

Don't worry, I always think of Ronin in his early 20's, so I wrote him that way. Do you really think Aria would have a thing with a 40-year-old?

Ronin is Bisexual.

She and Ronin would rob gas stations in the middle of the night for fun and get like supplies, but also way too much candy, and a couple of beers :>

Eventually, they start dating but she had to leave because Aria meets Sensei WU and joins the team, basically leaving him behind with her old life.

Aria meets Ronin when it's in the middle of the night and they are both trying to rob the same bank(Ronin is a thief and Aria was living in the streets then). Ronin pulls out a gun and tells her ("Freeze sweetheart. Or this gun ain't gonna do you any good)" And she replies with "What did you think I was gonna do? Call the police?" After a long pause, she asks him if he needs help with the sack of money he's carrying. They end up stealing together and living together(in an abandoned shack near Stixx)

After about 3 big robberies, Ronin decides that if she is gonna continue robbing with him and living life under the radar, she would need to know how to use a gun. ["If you're gonna rob with me, you need to be able to use a gun. Ya know, just in case"] They begin going to a shooting range where Ronin teaches her how to shoot. Over the course of a few weeks, she masters using a gun. She's an amazing sharpshooter and this becomes an advantage when she joins the ninja. They hang out and bond over the visits to the shooting range.

They would go skinny dipping in the shallow part of Stixx. Also another bonding activity. I mean it was less of skinny dipping and more of just cleaning themselves, kinda like a less-upgraded bath. Remember they lived in an abandoned shack(with no running water). They would do this in the nighttime and often stargaze, well the best they could while being underwater naked :P

When she is training with Sensei, Ronin asks her to sneak out and do a big job with him(The Scroll of Airjitzu), she refuses, saying that she has to help stop Morro. Later, Ronin feels bad and talks to Kai about Yang's Temple.

Ronin taught her to shoot, she keeps a gun with her as a sort of sentiment. The ninja, however, don't understand why she keeps it because they think it dishonors being a Ninja. Aria doesn't want to explain why she has it.

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