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Aria's parents get blown up while she and Morro are hiding out in Jarmanakai Village. (10)

They get separated and she goes to an orphanage(10)

She goes to a foster home(11-12)

Things don't work out, she runs away with her best friend, get jobs...all that jazz(13-14)

The Overlord destroys Ninjago City(Ik the timeline is messed up age-wise...) Cam gets stuck under a piece of rubble and she can't get him out. She loses control of her powers. Soon she has to go into hiding... leaving him for dead(he's not dead). (14-15)

Soon has no money, goes to steal a bank, meets Ronin, helps him, and lives with him(15-16)

Tournament of Elements(BTW she goes...telling Ronin that it will get them more money, not knowing the threat)(16)

She returns after the battle at the Corridor of the Elders(16)

Aria confesses her feelings for Ronin, he kisses her... (17-18)

Morro becomes an imminent threat, he goes to see her. They meet. She disobeys Sensei and ends up using her powers after seeing his matching ring. (18)

He shows her where Cam lives and reunites them(a few weeks later)(18)

They bond more. He asks her to join him. She refuses but with tears in her eyes. (About a week after that)(18)

Sensei finds her and asks her to live and train in the monastery. At the same time, Ronin asks her to do a big job with him. She has to say no to Ronin(1-2 days later)(18)

They are in Stixx looking for Ronin(no one knows Aria's with him yet) She missed him so kisses him when she thinks no one's looking(Jay sees hehe)(about 18 still)

Morro ends up learning airjitzu. Aria is able to fly up to him, he gets away, but she gets a glimpse of the scroll and can perform airjitzu but didn't read the whole scroll so is terrible at it(is not able to teach the ninja)(same day)

Ronin tells about Yang's Temple(same day)

She goes to Yang's Temple(to help the ninja and cuz she doesn't know airjitzu properly) (18, about 2 days after learning about Yang's temple)

Her worst fear is that no matter what she does, anyone she gets close to has to leave or gets hurt in some way and somehow she will be the cause of the loss of the people she cares about. She sees everyone that she cares about vanish before her eyes. The visions haunt her and she has a narrow escape. She is the only one who hasn't faced her fear.

Wailing Alps and the Sword of Sanctuary(One week later)

Tomb of the FSM(He possesses her for a bit... a bunch of shit)(Maybe about 3-4 days later)

The final battle at Stixx(there is a lot of angst)(1-2 weeks later)

Morro dies, sacrifices, gives realm crystal to Aria(who was trying to save him)(same day)(18)

Day of the Departed. I imagine this to be like Ninjago Day of the Dead, so November 1st. One Year Later. (19)

The picture above might make it easier to understand :>

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