𝗖𝗵-𝟭: Saving A Child

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It was the dark of the night. The wind whistled through the branches of the trees, the leaves rustling as a result. It seemed to be silent with the nearby road having no traffic whatsoever. It was very peaceful and calm for an evening like this.

However, the silence was shattered by the sound of crunching leaves under feet, the panting of someone's breath. A silhouette of a small and young male figure could be seen swinging and running through the trees, almost like it's trying to get away from something. The figure looked back to the forest, then up to the moon, almost like it's in fear of something, until it eventually collapsed into the ground, the leaves partially covering the figure.



Out on the dark and empty road on the outskirts of the city named Coolsville, the mystery-solving gang known as Mystery Inc. were all riding around in their van, the Mystery Machine, heading off back to their headquarters after a long mystery. The self-proclaimed blonde leader Fred Jones was driving the van, with the redhead girl Daphne Blake next to him. In the back, there was the auburn-haired girl genius Velma Dinkley, with the cowardly go-lucky male Shaggy Rogers and the Great Dane Scooby-Doo.

"Like, talk about a crazy mystery." Shaggy sighed in relief.

"Reah." Scooby nodded back, whilst sitting next to him and laughed.

"At least we caught the monster before it got away." Velma added, then she noticed outside the window that the van was slowing down. "Fred, what's going on?"

"There's something on the side of the road." Fred replied, and he stopped the van. As the headlights were set on high-beam, they saw what looked like a small figure, but it was covered in leaves, with it was lying on its front. It also seems to have dirt and

"Velma, come on." Daphne now climbed out of the van, along with the smart girl, and they ran over to the figure. The two woman grabbed the figure, then they brought it into the van, whilst Shaggy now sat up front, Scooby sitting with the girls to take a look.

"I'm not sure, but this little person looked like they've been through a lot." Velma noted, then she and Daphne began to clear the leaves off the figure's body.

After a bit, they saw the figure was a teenage boy, with soft brown hair, one who looks to be around 8 years old, with pale white ghost skin, but he has bruises, cuts and slashes across his arms and on his face. There was a lot of dirt smudges across his body. His clothes, which consist of a thin black shirt, degraded jeans, and ruined shoes, also looked to have cuts and rips along them. There also seemed to be some bandages around the forehead of the kid, as well as other bandages.

"Jinkies." Velma said in shock as she saw all the cuts and bruises.

So, while the girls tended to the wounds on the little boy's arms and face, Fred immediately drove back to Headquarters, Shaggy and Scooby keeping an eye out every now and then.



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