Cute little bugger

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I woke up at night. It was dark and I felt something keeping me down. I turned my head to see my arms and legs were covered in spider webs. Those things make it insanely difficult to move. I sigh, thinking I must be in a mine shaft or something. A loud hiss is heard and I turned to the other direction to see a short girl with glasses and purple hair staring at me. She was wearing a black T-shirt and shorts. Her skin was pale-ish and she had an angry expression on her face. I decided best to ask if she was who I thought she was, "Are you a spider?"

She nodded, still looking angry, "You decided to fall from a cliff and on to me! You have to learn to be respectful Steve!"

I felt my cheeks get red and I looked away, "S-sorry..." was all that I could manage. She was clearly someone to not be messed with. She might leave you alone unless you seek her out.

I heard her sigh, "Sorry isn't enough. You'll have to do something for me."

"What's that?"

She sighs again end I turn to see her blushing a bit, "Describe me in one word."

My mouth opened slightly but I closed it. She looked...cute. I gulped and hoped she wouldn't get mad, "C-cute..."

She blushed even more to see her cheeks bright red and she looks down, "Really?"

"Yeah..." was another word that I fouled only manage. I felt so stupid being in this game. I wish that I could just jump it of here through the end portal. I wish I could go back to me being my wild, cra-

Lighting striked on me and I screamed in pain. I blacked out and dreamy of darkness.

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