White sails

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As I was staring at out at the ocean, I must have been focusing so much on it. I didn't even see Elizabeth walk to up me and drop a bottle of rum in the sand. She sat next to me and took a swig of it.

"Thanks, but remember I can't drink it." I sighed and placed it beside me.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She quickly apologized.

"It's fine." She placed her bottle of rum down into the sand and kicked her feet out.

"This place is beautiful." She smiled.

"Aye it is. There's worse ways to go." I replied. In the corner of my eye I saw her turn her body to face me. 

"Thank you for trying to help me."

"Don't mention it." I groaned as I sat up from the sand and began to walk. She followed suit and was right beside me.

"Is there something you want from me?"

"I just want to talk."

"Than go on, ask a question." I said as we began to walk along the shore line.

"How has it been being the daughter of Captain Jack Sparrow?"

"Not what you think. My father left when I was 7, well he was marooned. Than I got cursed for the past 10 years and I've been stuck on the pearl."

"But you said you were the best thief in the Caribbean."

"I am." I said dumbfounded that she would even ask that. She got taken back and then regained her thoughts.

"What I meant was, that means you left the ship. So people do you know your name." She expressed.

"Right. But people just call me Blair. I'm not known as his daughter. I am my own person and that is exactly what I want. To be in someone else's shadow is horrible." I shared. I could see her pondering that thought in her head.

"Enough about me. Why do you care for Will so much. Are you in love?" I asked. She looked at me scared and than a bit of blush crept up her cheeks.

"Yes. I just want him to be safe." She responded. She went into more detail about their relationship and how she wanted to marry him. I've never been in love, but from what she tells me, it's sounds fantastic.

Now I felt this wave of guilt flow over me, something I have never felt in a long time. She deserves to be with him and I want to help her. Even though I know that's out of my nature.

"Elizabeth. Your Royalty right?"

"Kind of, why?" She asked curious.

"So people will be looking for you?"

"Yes." She responded. I think I could see a few things click in her head.

"I have an idea." I smiled. After talking about our plan, we made it back to main beach. My father was lying on the sand, drinking a bottle of rum.

"Ah girls. You've come back." He smiled and patted the sand. We each took a seat in the sand and Elizabeth grabbed her bottle of rum.

Throughout the entire rest of the afternoon. Those two drank away, well Elizabeth drank a bit of it, I needed her drunk but not drunk enough. We now had a big fire started in the middle of the sand as the sun went

"With devils and black sheep and really bad eggs. Drink up me harties yo ho! Yo Ho, Yo Ho a pirates life for me!" We all sang as we danced around the fire. My father came to me and made me do a little spin.

"I love this song." He yelled. I started giggling. "And really bad eggs. Woah." He than fell onto the sand and pulled me down to him. I grabbed Elizabeth and we were now all sitting in a mini circle.

Blair Sparrow Where stories live. Discover now