Isla De Meutra

775 18 5

I left my cabin in a hurried manner and raced up the stairs to the main deck. I saw as they brought Elizabeth out of Barbossa's office. She was still wearing that red dress, but now her hands were tied with rope in front of my body. I could see the look of fear and annoyance plastered on her face. I kind of felt bad for her.

But I mean we all have to give a blood sacrifice. So why should she be any different, but maybe we didn't have to kill her. I than lifted up my hand to see the giant scar that ran across it, from when I gave my blood sacrifice 3 years ago. My eyes than trailed farther up my arm, I pulled back my sleeve a bit to reveal the branded P in my flesh. I quickly covered my self up, not trying to be remember how painful that was. Especially to a 6 year old. I wiped away those thoughts and brought my self back to the present.

I watched as Barbossa came from behind Elizabeth and he placed the coin, with a string, Like a necklace, around her neck, In a very slow, seductive way. I just turned away and began to walk towards the boats. Me, Pintel, Raggetti and Elizabeth all in one.

We rowed through the small opening into the cave. This place was gorgeous, gold everywhere you look. The rocks hanging from the ceiling. I could spend all day in here, admiring this place.

"Move it!" A crew mate yelled, as he bumped into me quite aggressively.

"Woah, watch where ya going mate." I said, with a slight smirk. The tall pirate, gave me a snarle and walked away. I just huffed and continued to walk along side Pintel and Raggetti. They were holding a giant chest, together.

"Ten years of hoarding swag." Pintel said.

"Now we finally get to spend it." Raggetti said all giddy. They tipped the chest over and a bunch of dresses and umbrellas fell out. I started laughing to my self and Pintel shot me a quick glare.

"What are you laughing at?"

"It's just..." I giggled a bit more. "Your gonna look dashing in those." I smiled. Pintel shot me another glare, but I could see a goofy smile slowly creep onto Raggetti's face.

Me and Pintel each picked up an Umbrella and Raggetti picked up a dress and held it up to him.

"Once were clear of the curse. We will be rich men." Pintel said.

"And you can buy an eye that actually fits, made of glass." I said.

"This one does splinter something terrible." He than began rubbing his fake wooden eye.

"Stop rubbing it." Pintel ordered calmly. He quickly dropped his hand and looked away shamefully. Another crew mate, the one that bumped into me earlier walked by. He just rolled his eyes at us and scoffed.

"What's his problem." I grinned. Pintel and Raggetti both chuckled to them selves.

I watched as they brought Elizabeth up to the chest and I pushed through the crowd to be up at the front.

Elizabeth was placed behind the chest and Barbossa took centre stage.

"Gentleman and Lady. The time has come!" He yelled. We all started cheering. "Our salvation is nigh." I cheered out! "Our torment is near an end."

"For ten years we've tested and tried, and each man and woman here has proved there mettle a hundred times over and a hundred times again." Barbossa said as he threw his arms up in exaggeration and joy. A loud wave of cheers washed over the crowd.

"Suffered I have!" Raggetti yelled.

"Punished we were the lot of us, disproportionate to our crime!" He than turned to chest and placed his foot on the lid.
"Here it is!" He kicked the lid off the chest and it almost hit Elizabeth's feet.

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