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"Barbossa! She goes free." The man yelled.

"What's in your head boy?" Barbossa asked intrigued.

"She's goes free." He stated once again.

"What are you gonna do? You only have one shot and we can't die." Barbossa chuckled

"You can't, but I can!" He yelled and than held the gun to his head.

"No!" Elizabeth yelled in anguish.

"Who are you?" Barbossa asked.

"No one. He's no one." My farther blurted out and ran in front of Barbossa. "Distanced cousin of my nephews aunt. Lovely singing voice. Unick." My farther rambled, saying the last part pointing at Will.

"My name is Will Turner! My farther was Bootstrap Bill Turner. His blood runs in my veins!" He yelled. My jaw hit the floor in surprise and excitement, I than turned to Jack. He walked away defeated and I looked back to Will.

"That's a spitting image of our bootstrap Bill!Come back to haunt us." Ragetti yelled. I couldn't believe that we actually found his child. I can finally be free, hopefully.

"On my word do as I say or I'll pull this trigger and be lost to Davy Jones locker." He stated. I just looked at him, all I wanted was to be free and my chance was standing 10 feet in front of me.

"Name your terms?" Barbossa asked.

"Elizabeth goes free."

"Yes we know that one, anything else?" He asked annoyed.

"And the crew! The crew are not to be harmed." He pointed at them at them with his gun, my father continued to point at himself and Will just Ignored him.

"Agreed." Barbossa snarled. I watched as they brought Jack and Elizabeth down below to the brig. Bo'Sun, Pintel and Raggetti were bring them down the steps. When they emerged I saw Pintel, I noticed that the keys were hanging off of his belt.

"Pintel." I whispered, yelled. He ran over to me and I snagged a key off the ring.

"What!" He asked annoyed.

"Oh nothing. Sorry." I smiled and patted his back. I watched as Barbarossa walked back up to the wheel and I ducked down below the stairs to avoid his menacing yellow eyes.

I watched for a few minutes until he spun around to face the starboard side. I quickly ran down the stairs and saw the crew in one cell and the other two across from them. I think Will was in the Captains quarters for now.

"Blair!" My father yelled excitedly.

"Shut up." I whispered. I didn't want the crew to hear me. He quickly nodded his head and I pulled out a key.

"How did you get that?" Elizabeth asked.

"Best thief in the Caribbean love." I smiled. I began to unlock the cell.

"Traitor!" I spun around and saw Twigg standing there.

"Shit." I grumbled. He ran over to me and grabbed my arm. I was dragged away from the cell, the key still remaining in the key hole. I saw my father grab it and sneak it up his sleeve.

I was dragged up to the wheel and pushed onto the floor, before Barbossa's feet.

"What be the meaning of this?" He asked Twigg.

"She was tryna free her father." Immediately Barbossa looked at me annoyed and angry. He grabbed my jacket and lifted me up.

"She'll be joining them." He snarled and threw me aside.

Blair Sparrow Where stories live. Discover now