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Two of the crew mates, Grabbed Jack by his upper arms and dragged him through the cave. He stood in the middle of all the crew and Barobssa came through the crowd to be face to face with him.

"How in the blazes did you get off the island?" Barobossa asked annoyed.

"When you marooned me on the godforsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate." Jack said all cocky. The crew just looked at them annoyed and intrigued. "I'm Captain Jack Sparrow." He smirked. I just smiled at him and Barbossa pushed me aside a bit so he could walk closer to Jack. As soon as Barbosda touched my shoulder, a glare formed in my fathers eyes. I knew he was very protective over me.

"Ah. well I won't be makin that mistake again." Barbossa snarled. He than turned to face the crew. "Gents you all remember Captain Jack Sparrow." He laughed.

"Aye." All the crew said, but not me.

"Kill him." He ordered. Everyone pulled out their pistols as Barbossa walked away.

"The girls blood didn't work did it?" Jack questioned. He stopped in his tracks and spun around to face my father.

"Lower your guns." Barbossa ordered. All the crew lowered their weapons and I took a sigh of relief.

"You know who's blood we need." Barbossa stated.

"I know who's blood you need." He replied smiling. Barbossa looked at him unimpressed and angry. My dad shot me a quick glance, his face looking happy.

We walked into the ship, Me, Barbossa and my Dad all entered Barbossas's quarters. He sat down at the table and I leaned against the back wall, with Jack on my shoulder. My dad was talking to him about giving him the name and taking the ship and than leaving Barbossa on an island.

"So you expect to leave me on some beach, with nothing but a name and your word is the one I need and watch you sail away on my ship?" He  chuckled. From how ridiculous that's sounds.

"No." My father said offended and enthusiastic. "I expect to leave you on some beach with no name at all, watching me sail away on my ship." He than picked up an green apple. "And Than I'll shout the name back to you." He smiled. "Savy?"

I just smiled in disbelief and chuckled to myself. He was such an idiot, but such a smart idiot at the same time.

"That still leaves me on some beach with naught but a name and your word its the one I need." Barbossa said back.

"Of the three of us. I am the only one who hasn't committed mutiny. Therefore, my word is the one will be trusting." He smiled. I felt the pit grow in my stomach and I turned away from him. I knew I technically didn't commit it mutiny, but I should have tried and stopped it. So him saying those words, really hurt me.

"Although I should be thanking you." My dad admitted. I turned back to face him, with a confused expression. "Because, in fact, if you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die, I would have an equal share in that curse, same as you." He smirked and took a bite of his apple. Barbossa gave me a quick glance and Jack jumped off of my shoulder and ran across the floor onto a little swing, that hung from the ceiling.

"Captain, we're coming up on the interceptor." Bo'sun informed us as he walked into the room. They all sat up from the table and left the room. Barbossa walked up the stairs to the wheel and I followed right behind my dad. He walked up the stairs, drunkly, like he always walks. He walked in front of Barbossa who was using his spy glass.

"I'm having a thought here Barbossa." He snarkly said. "What say we run up a flag or truce, I scurry over to the interceptor, and I negotiate the return of your medallion. Aye? What you say to that?" He asked

"Jack. I say that's the attitude that lost you the pearl. People are easier to search if their dead." He acknowledged. I mean he wasn't wrong.

"Lock him in the brig!" He ordered. Bo'sun grabbed my dad and Barbossa grabbed the apple from his hand. I watched as Bo'sun brought my dad down the stairs, roughly. Barbossa looked at the apple in his hand and through it over board, through the ripped sails.

I wanted to go talk to my dad, because now I have the opportunity to actual communicate with him. I began walking away when Barbossa yanked me to the side and pushed me against the railing.

"Don't you think about releasing him deary. Or ye will be walking the plank." He said in my face. I nodded my head and let go of me. He walked away from me and I took a sigh of relief. After about 5 minutes of hiding from his sight. He turned away for a brief moment and I snuck down to the brig and walked through the water covered floor. I found a stool against the wall and brought it over to my dad's cell. I placed the stool down and sat on it. He perked his head up and leaned against the wall, his legs still in the water.

"Hi father." I smiled.

"Hello Love." He smiled.

"I missed you." I confessed.

"I missed you to Blair." I could see some guilt form in his eyes as he said those words.

"What did you do all these years?" I asked intrigued.

"I've been trying to get the pearl back. Along with my daughter."

"How did you know that I wouldn't leave the pearl and try to look for you?"

"I just had a feeling." He smirked playfully. "So how did you end up with this dreadful curse? I'm going to kill Barbossa for what he did to you."

"Well I took a coin like everyone else and sooner or later...I was hungry all the time and thirsty and I no longer could feel sunshine." I admitted and hung my head.

"Im sorry you have to deal with this deary." I could see the sympathy in his eyes.

"It's okay. I know this curse will be lifted soon, especially if you know who's blood we need." I said all excitedly and whispered it to him. 

"Blair..." He began. I could see something was off in his head.

"What's bugging you?"

"Nothing." He smiled.

"Don't lie to me." I said stern.

"If I tell you who the child is, you and that greasy back stabbin toad. Both get free of this dreadfully awful thing."

"Why is that so awful? I'm free of this bloody curse than." I said offended.

"But I don't want that ugly swine human again." He defended. I leaned in closer and grabbed the bars.

"What about me? You can just kill him." I whispered. He just hung his head in shame. He knew I was right in what I was saying. I know he wants the pearl back to himself and I hope he does. But I want to be free of this curse and be a family again and if he doesn't see that. I don't think I can change the great Captain Jack Sparrow's mind.

I stood up from the stool and I grabbed the necklace around my neck. I yanked it off and threw it through the bars to him. He looked at me confused and picked it up.

"In case something happens to me." I said, with guilt and a small smile. I picked up the stool and walked away from him.

"Blair." He yelled. "Come back." He said in such defeat and a little whisper. I stopped for a second and hung my head, placing the stool down in the process. I walked up the stairs and met Pintel and Ragetti looking over the side of the ship.

"Get ready for battle!" Barbossa yelled.

Blair Sparrow Where stories live. Discover now