6 - the Winter Soldier

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School was out and I was heading up the stairs of my apartment building. I couldn't wait to go home and sleep. Oh yeah..


I very much would like to know who Bucky Barnes is.

I finally got to my apartment when I saw our neighbor. It was so obvious she had a crush on my dad, but he had no idea. Which made it funny when ever they talked. She grabbed her laundry and was on the phone with someone.

"That's so sweet. That is so nice. Hey. I gotta go, though. Okay, bye. " she turned to me.  "My aunt, she's kind of an insomniac" I smiled and she laughed. "Yeah"

"Hey, if you want...if you want, you're welcome to use my machine. Might be cheaper than the one in the basement. Also, I doubt my dad will mind."

"Oh, yeah? What's it cost?"

" A cup of coffee with my dad." I smiled and again she laughed.

"Thank you, but um...I already have a load in downstairs, and, uh...you really don't want my scrubs in your machine. I'm just finished orientation in the infectious diseases ward, so."

"Ah, well, Me and dad will keep our distance."

You want to know what's awkward?

This whole entire conversation.

"Well hopefully not too far."


It just got more awkward.

As she was about to leave she said "Hey, you might have left the stereo on."

What? I listened into the door and heard jazz music. "Haha I bet it was your dad with that old jazz music."

I smiled at her. Since when did my dad listen to jazz? "Probably. Thank you." I didn't want to worry the poor girl. As she went down, I suspiciously put my ear to the door.

I cautiously opened the door. I grabbed my dads shield and a baseball bat. Even thought it was plastic it could still do damage. I'm a super soldier. I baseball bat to the face from me would not be pleasant. I walked into my living room and found Fury sitting on our couch.

I dropped the bat and the shield. "I don't remember my dad giving you a key."

"You really think I'd need one? My wife kicked me out."

"Snapping Turtle has a wife? Dang man..I didn't know that."

"A lot of things you don't about me."

"Yeah. According to my dad it's a problem." I noticed a light on Fury's phone. He then typed something in and showed it to me. "Ears everywhere"


"I'm sorry to have to do this, but I had no place else to crash. " he wrote another text and showed it to me. "SHIELD compromised"


"Who else knows about your wife? " I asked hoping he would catch on. Luckily he did. He typed "you and me"

"Just...my friends."

"You have friends?!"

He then walked out the door. "I'm going to go get some of my belongings. I'll be right back." I nodded and he left. I went into the kitchen to make a snack. Then I heard a bang on the roof. I opened the window and looked up. I felt someone grab my flannel and pulled me up and threw me to the ground.


I looked around and saw nobody. I sat up and turned around. A man looked at me. He looked terrifying and was wearing way to much eyeliner.

Like seriously dude. Nobody should be using as much as you do. I ran up to him and started to attack him. He did the same. Unfortunately a full grown super soldier (at least he had the strength and speed of one) vs. a super child isn't fair. He threw me against another building wall. I fell to the ground and he pulled out a gun. I quickly hopped onto one for the fire escape stairs and hid. I pulled myself onto one of the rails and hung I got the side. I waited and hour until I pulled myself onto the roof.

When I looked up, nobody was there.


I climbed down the window into the apartment. There I saw my dad and boy did he look angry. He was about to say something, when I saw Kate, our awkward neighbor that likes my dad, bust in.

"Captain Rogers?" She said. Her gun pointing out. "Captain, I'm Agent 13 of SHIELD Special Service."


"Kate?" Me and dad asked in unison. She grabbed us and the three of us walked out of the apartment and outside. "I'm assigned to protect you."

"On whose order?" I asked. I saw Fury on the ground. "His. She went to Fury then contacted SHIELD through her radio.

"Foxtrot is down, he's unresponsive. I need EMTs."

Just like that, I knew I was in danger again.

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