2 - school

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I ran to my room and quickly changed.

"Bye dad!" He hugged me and I hugged him back

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"Bye dad!" He hugged me and I hugged him back. I then walked out of the apartment buildings and I ran to the subway.


I finally got to the school and in big words it read, BROOKLYN HIGH SCHOOL

As I walked up the giant steps, I saw Barry walking up. He had on Khaki pants and a button down pineapple shirt. He was wearing giant lined sunglasses that I'm pretty sure are hard to see out of. 

"Hey Hey!" he said. "Hey!" 

"I barely had anytime to myself over vacation. I spent that one part searching or Loki and the other part hanging with my parents ALL the time. My mom wouldn't even let me sleep in my room. We all slept on the couches in the living room." He said annoyed. "Then we went to a bunch of carnivals.. that wasn't fun either." 

"at least you got to do something fun." I said while walking up to my locker. Luckily, my locker was right next to Barry's. "I had to spend the other half explaining computers and modern technology to my dad." 

"Oh wow."

"Yeah. I got him to try and listen to 'Mice and Men'... it wasn't the kind he had back then. He wasn't to pleased about that." I said trying to hold back my laughter. 

The bell finally rang and we walked to our class. First hour was Chemistry.. simple. I took out the text book from under the chair and Barry did the same. "Class.. today we are going to learn a bit about atoms!"


Finally it was third hour and time for my favorite class, P.E. Barry didn't enjoy it as much but I certainly did. Lila did too.

"Today we are going to be doing an obstacle course. Unfortunately, it is long so we are going to have to have only one contestant for each team. Now group up, Girls versus boys."

I was first in line, and so was Barry! "Get set, GO!" I climbed up a rope and then made it onto a balance beam. I ran down it to the pole where I slid down and got to the tires. I hopped into tires until I got to the trampoline. I did a backflip and in mid air I caught the rope. I then climbed up and swung to the next one, and the next. Finally I had to swing to a platform with a bell on it. I swung and made it. I ran and as I rang the bell, Barry got there. That was honestly really short.

I don't think it was a bad first day.

A/N: I'm sorry this was short, the next one will be longer!

464 words

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