His Prison, My Nightmare

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The grass tickled my fingertips, poking at my legs and toes. I ran my hand above the blades with my eyes closed. As they grazed along, I picked a few pieces, examining each one carefully. My nails ran up them, grouping what I deemed the best pieces together in a grass bouquet.

Only a few flowers were left as I had been in this spot before. The imprint of my body remained from when I was last sat here. The stems of daisies and dandelions were sprinkled about the patch. The petals, however, were nowhere to be found. They had been used since the last time I tried this.

My hands paused, focusing on the grass blades I held. I squeezed them tightly to my chest and took a deep breath in.

"Come on George." I whispered to myself. "Try harder..." My eyes clenched even more. I felt my toes curl against the dirt. My hair was ruffled by the wind, falling into my eyes slightly. I didn't even try to push it back as I was too focused on my task.


It's been a while since I've seen him. I was afraid to admit it before, but I honestly miss Dream. I know he's done a lot. A lot of bad, bad things.

I winced slightly, my hands slipping away from the grass as my mind wandered away.

But he's still my friend and an important part of my life.

"Come on." I groaned, my head drifting towards the entrance of the prison. I roamed past the first door, going straight through walls to places I had never even been before. It was so dark...so lonely. Every block it was made of held a new void of its own. They blocked all light.

I pushed forward. I heard a voice, something quiet. Was he talking to himself?

I scoffed slightly.

"What a weirdo." I laughed, searching for some form of comfort in humor.

"I know right?" There was a loud voice behind me. I jumped up and was suddenly brought back down to earth. I was standing in front of the prison, exactly where I didn't want to be caught staring. I turned to gaze at the person who interrupted me.

Quackity was standing next to a lamppost. He leaned against it with a smirk. His beanie was pulled over his head, but his dark hair flowed freely underneath. I had been telling him he needed a haircut for a while, but Sapnap and Karl liked his mullet. A scar ran down from his eyebrow to his chin, marking across his one empty looking eye. He wore his signature blue hoodie with normal looking jeans.

Quackity lifted himself from the pole and walked forward with his arms crossed on his chest. Once he reached me his hand moved to flick my mushroom hat upwards. I stared at him with playful disgust, mocking his posture and movements.

"What were you doing Gogy?" He questioned loudly, glancing to the prison over my shoulder. "Sam will be suspicious if you stay here much longer."

"How long have you been there?"

"As soon as your ass sat down." He smiled. "Are you going to tell me what you were doing?"

"Nothing." I pouted, dusting my pants off and flicking pieces of grass away from my skin.

"Really? I mean..." He motioned to the grass. "If you were doing nothing, I don't know why that many mushrooms would be sprouting where you just were." He lowered himself to pick at one, bringing it up to my face in a monotone manner. "So, I'll ask one more time, what is it that you were doing?"

I grabbed the mushroom and tossed it into the nearby river, letting out a large sigh.

"Goddamn it, I was just trying to get in touch with Dream. That's all." I grumbled. My hands fell to my face. "But I failed." After a small pause I added insult to injury. "Again." Quackity sighed and grabbed my shoulders, shaking them slightly.

"Wake up George! Sitting out here is doing absolutely nothing! Why won't you just go and see him?" I shifted my gaze to my feet, avoiding the question completely. Quackity groaned in annoyance. "Why are you so afraid? Look I'll go with you right now..."

"No!" I pushed myself away from him, clutching my shoulders in a self-hug. Quackity looked almost hurt at my actions. His eyes slowly scanned me up and down a sorry expression dawning his face.

"You miss him...don't you?" I shrugged at his question. "Liar." He responded harshly. Another cold breeze pushed past us. I shivered. Quackity took immediate notice and used it to his advantage. "It's not as cold in the prison." He joked. It was followed by a staple, bubbly laugh.

"It's a prison. I don't think it is as warm as you make it out to be." My stubborn aura filled the air, making it clear to him that even though I was listening to what he was saying, I wasn't going to be following his advice.

"Better than sitting outside exposed to the elements." He retorted.

There was a small call behind Quackity. It sounded to me like Karl shouting. He turned his head to the side as two figures approached the hill behind us. They waved towards him nicely. Quackity let out a huge smile and dramatically flung his hands in the air. Making it obvious to them that he heard. "Listen George, I've got to go." He turned back towards me. "But I promise you that Sam wouldn't say no if you wanted to visit. And Dream might need the psychological benefits of you being there." I lifted an eyebrow.

"You don't sound like yourself Quackity," I responded, "way too intellectual actually." He rolled his eyes and turned away from me, heading towards the figures in the distance.

"You can't mentally torture someone if they are already insane!" He called back, almost too cheerfully. "Just try to help make my job easier!" I paused and gulped at the sentence.

People really do hate him, don't they?

I peeked over my side at the brooding building not too far away. To think that Dream, my Dream, was locked up in there was insane. Locked up and alone for all of eternity.

I don't think it ever really hit me that I would probably never see him outside again. Sure, I tried crazy things to keep my mind off it but now it all was coming back. I had taken many trips, even in the middle of the night to this exact spot. I would sit and contemplate. Not just going inside but what I would say to him. What words would form in my mouth the moment I saw him? Would I be able to speak at all? What would Dream think?

What would Dream do?

If I showed up at his cell today and just walked in like nothing happened, talked like we did when we thought it was us against the world. What would he do?

"I do miss him." I whispered to a nonexistent entity. "More than I think I should." 



Hello fam. For those of you who are reading this because you enjoyed my previous books and happen to be in this fandom too I welcome you! 

For others who are like, what the hell is this person talking about I would like to formally tell you that this book will most likely be like the rest of my books...not updated very often. I do apologize about that but right now it is around one in the morning and I posted this cause I was proud of this singular oneshot. Writing block is hitting me really hard right now.

If you happened to enjoy this singular chapter, and want to support me or just read more, I can be found on archive of our own under my username, anotherrainbowsky. My book is a dnf fic called Unimaginable. I am on tumblr under the same user and also one of the most toxic places on the planet, twitter. My twitter (AnotherRainbo) is basically nothing right now but meh if you feel like it I might post updates and what not. 

But yeah! Welcome to my spur of the moment oneshot book! Don't hesitate to request things in the comments or on my other platforms. (things like part 2's for specific shots and stuff)

I hope you peoples have a nice night and sleep well! Drink water and remember to treat yourself every once in a while

<3 ARS


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